Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Fairy Blogfather "HANS" De VENTE PANDEMIC strikes - MORE assholes for ZINHOF

Is this a surprise?

Daddy Zinhof lets ugly, sad-sack sociopath HANZIE HITLER be a jerk, so ALL of HANZIE HITLER'S idiot pals decide they can delete files, play games, and be jerks too. 

Zinhof the Croatian Scrotum speaks English even worse than HANZIE HITLER and has no idea what he's doing, so people who DESPERATELY can't go to normal forums, torrents or shitboxes have to hope that the senile fool will get a brain and start EJECTING the troublemakers.

HANZIE HITLER has NO LIFE and NOTHING BETTER TO DO. What about NORMAL people? They can and should LEAVE THE PLAYPEN to the "English as Second Language" ASSHOLES.

Look at the CHAOS, led by Little Pee-Pee Joao, HANZIE HITLER'S BOYFRIEND with the BRAZILIA WAX JOB. 

NOBODY have anything better to do? Limp Dick HANZIE HITLER doesn't, and his "friends" don't. HANZIE HITLER only has his "darling" retard wife who cleans up after his loose bowel movements. He is a LOSER. 

Why keep putting up with a LOSER and his retardedly anal "friends?" 

People have ENOUGH music without having a turd like "HANS" De Vente polluting their bowl. This pathetic Drama Queen Fairy Blogfather is infecting everyone with his INSANITY.

He is a LUNATIC. He should be in an asylum. He's been a waste of space all his life. His father beat him because his father KNEW he was a useless ugly TURD with NO wit, talent or BRAINS.

HANZIE HITLER'S "FRIENDS" are JUST AS NUTS with their dizzy deletions and passwords and the rest of it.  LATER to the ABNORMALS! 

Who would associate with a gnat-brain like JOAO in real life? Only HANZIE HITLER via emails. And NOBODY associates with HANZIE HITLER in Badhoevedorpo. His neighbors all SHUN him because he's such an ugly monster with NO social skills and a BIG SMELL.

Dithering idiots who can't even make sense or speak English?  


Monday, April 27, 2020

He's Not Wanted. WHY DOESN'T HE GO AWAY?

"i know i could play in another shoutbox. i mite even practiss my english and not stick out like the dutch douche i am. 
i could post normal like everyone else. but i like my hide and seek games. i like peeple seeing it is me. hans. hans. hans. hans again. 
i am like the worst little brother of all time. the pestiest little brat. this is my fun! if i cant be liked i like being hated!
wait for me to come back with more lies and tantrums. my daddy ZINHOF indulges me even if it means his shoutbox is ruined. he is as senile as me! we have nothing else to do!
ha ha ho ho hee hee. when pandemic ends i wanna go to a toy store for more john deere toys! waaaahh! maybe some kind people will be patrons and DONATE so i can buy some?
oh oh my darling wife fell down the stairs again. i am going to hospital again. anyone want goodies? they will be deleted in ten days or less.
you like pictures of meeeeee?"

Saturday, April 25, 2020


Let's see, he just claimed he was celebrating his 75th Birthday.

But in 2018 on a Dutch website he said he was 75. 

But in 2019 he said he was 75: 

Then again, in 2019 he ALSO said he was 73:

And back in 2008 he claimed he enjoyed a BIRTHDAY BURGER at APPLEBEES (oh, what a big spender, the Cheap Dutchman). He said he was 62. 

STILL CRAZY -- Demented DE VENTE in 2008 shuts a blog and opens another

How many BLOGS has Asshole "HANS" De Vente opened and shut in 2020. About 200,020? 

He's been playing these games ever since he got on the Internet, sobbing "Blogging saved my life." No, it wasted his life, and the time of anyone who ever made the mistake of thinking he was sane. He has left a trial of death threats ("Die of AIDS and EBOLA!" "Get cancer!"), deletions, hate blogs (he INVENTED them, now he gets the KARMA he deserves) and his endless lies (all those diseases) and his drama queen antics (all those SUICIDE warnings and farewells).

Here's the schizoid man, 2008, closing one blog, then opening up another one. He's monotonously done this years before, and for 12 years since. But first, here he is, the "nice man" being the HITLER he really is. Take it or leave it.

These days in Daddy Zinhof's shoutbox, he still refuses to even tell people what the FUCK he's offering. He's TOO busy. Or he's too much of a sadistic prick who doesn't respect his "friends." Go ahead, figure out who HERB is, obey him when he writes MUST HEAR, and go find the link to the latest BLOG, and too bad if you didn't do it within 10 days. "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY." 

Now let's go back to his tired, sadistic games of shutting a blog and then smirking "Oh Shit Not You Again," thinking he's SO WITTY. 

PS, The Cheap Dutchman takes his idiot wife for a BURGER at applebees? Big spender, huh? Well, she's autistic and he probably told her it was a JUICY STEAK. Ha ha ho ho hee hee.

Now Jerkyl becomes Mr. Hyde, invading a forum to burble about his NEW blog:

JOANNA De VENTE the COQUETTE - once you like HER, SHE squats and pisses on you

Here's just another typical example of "HANS" De Vente, the neurotic drag queen.

He's like the WORST girfriend you EVER knew. The one you did everything for, but who wanted MORE. Here's some moron named SHAM who has been faithful to Joanna (Sake Johannes De Vente) and asks for a favor.

See what happened?

That's Joanna De Vente, aka MARY and JAN and so many other girly names the creep as used. Once a sucker starts with the praise and the requests, the power game starts.

Joanna sees that shams would like what was PROMISED. Well, keep SHAM waiting. Ha ha ho ho hee hee. With typical bad typing: Ill do it foryou when im awake." What, Hanzie is sleepwalking?  He's playing with his new iphone and doesn't feel like going to his computer and upping to YDRAY?

This is part of Demented De Vente's m.o. for decades. If somebody defends him, he whines that MORE people should. When he shouts in the shoutbox, "anybody want ask me," and GETS asked, he growls "I'll do it in a few days" or curses and says "When did YOU upload anything for me?" Or shouts "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY." 

So many forum members, mods, fellow bloggers made the mistake of feeling sympathy for De Vente, believing the lies, etc. etc. Only to be abused, hacked, deleted, victimized (DE VENTE started HATE BLOGS back when he pretended to be Champaloux on one blog while giving the guy's name and address on another and urging everyone to GET HIM.)

Nasty. Crazy. Game-playing. Disdainful. Teasing just to keep someone waiting. De Vente is Just Like a Woman on her period, which is pretty remarkable for an old limp dick. 

Scarlett O'Hara wasn't as crazy a bitch as "HANS" De Vente. Meanwhile, De Vente just feels sorry for herself/himself for being SO misunderstood. 

"HANS" De Vente the Cheap Dutchman who CHEATS HIS FRIENDS

You remembe Hanzie Hitler's boasts?

"I got a NEW COMPUTER...I got a NEW IPHONE...." He even showed pictures. He even boasted about his MANY COMPUTERS (Apple AND PC) and HARD DRIVES

He's also boasted that he has TONS of money and he LOVES to buy CDs JUST TO GIVE AWAY THE MUSIC. Here, under his JAN alias, he brags that he spent a fortune...

BUT, you know DEMENTED HANS DE VENTE. He is a pathological liar. He's a neurotic mad man. One minute he's bragging about spending a fortune, the next, he's whining that he wants somebody to save him some money:

His latest scam? He claims (via PHOTOSHOP) that he bought a CD for $50, and -- he wants his FRIENDS to chip in. Poor Hansy Pansy, "on the government teat," with his multiple computers and hard drives and his boasts of  how he "shelled out the money" over and over for rare imports, shows his true DUTCH CHEAPNESS in hoodwinking his FRIENDS.

Remember, he just posted about his new MACBOOK PRO that he bought:

So Mr. Moneybags wants to see what friends he can scam:

So much for generous "sharing," eh? The Cheap Dutchman would rather see which suckers STILL think he's a NICE GUY.

Did you notice Hans saying "50 DOLLARS" was the price of that stupid COUNTRY CD he just HAD to have? He only paid 42 DOLLARS:

PRETTY GOOD, LYING HANS. He gets two PATRONS to pay, what, $25 each, and he makes an $8 profit? 

YES, SUCKERS, "PATRONS," you got worthless files, and HANSY PANSY got a CD that he is going to RE-SELL on eBAY and make another $20 or $30 on.  You don't think he's gonna keep it, do you? He keeps moping "there are no hearses with luggage racks" and he's gonna die any second, so he has no need for anything but his zillion external hard drives and his PC's and MACS and iPhone.


This goes back to the earliest days of USENET when he'd whine that he wanted DAVID LETTERMAN shows with BRIAN WILSON mailed to him in Holland. He was offering to pay ONLY for the postage. When anyone asked why he wouldn't even pay a few dollars extra for the price of the tape, he exploded in a rage of curses.

DOZENS of the HANS HATERS used to be FRIENDS with him, but they got backstabbed. They got their links deleted. They got outed with HIS hate blogs FIRST where he published their photos and contact information. Some of the people who defended him the most ended up betrayed because he's such a sad, lonely paranoid madman. He's a sociopath who loves to use tricky fake names, made-up diseases, and go on pitiful moans about how poor he is (when it suits him) OR he growls "my way or the highway" and starts cursing and bragging he's spending hundreds of dollars on Japanese imports and won't give any of it away until he is assured that he's LOVED. 


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

"Hans" De Vente aka The Fairy Blogfather, aka MISS SISSY FUSS - gets NO COMMENTS

Poor Hansy Pansy.

Even when the FAIRY BLOGFATHER posts 33 Donna Summer CDs (how GAY do you GET), he gets NO COMMENTS. Not a one.

That's because the 74 year-old limp dick is blogging while the REAL WORLD is torrenting. That's also because SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE is to music what COVID-19 is to health. Who wants to be anywhere near him? 

HANSY PANSY is MISS SISSY FUSS. He fusses with his sissy music. He keeps sighing and moaning over cowboys ("HAG" and "HANK") and beach boys (his beloved BRIAN). Sadly, like the MYTH of SISYPHUS, his real life SISSY FUSS keeps on with his boring uploads, which download to almost NOBODY, and which he UPLOADS again and again and again.

The same old shit. Even when he tries to leech from EXYSTENCE and steal and entire discography IT DOES NO GOOD. 


He drones on. The same ridiculous spelling errors. It's HEAR, Mr. Tinnitus-Fake, not HERE:

He drones on. The same ridiculous hype over dull garbage. You'll FALL FROM YOUR CHAIR listening to crap HE uploads? Ha ha ho ho hee hee, HANSY PANSY. 

He drones on. He posts "mystery" links nobody bothers to check. Everyone knows to expect SHIT if it's posted by "HANS" De Vente, the demented douchebag.

He drones on because he's an EGOMANIAC. A clueless narcissist asshole. Everyone knows about the fucking "Sir" concert, but HE lugs it into Daddy Zinhof's shitbox, and oooh, he posts the starting date as "8pm est" as if HE is in AMERICA, and on the hip EAST COAST. Ha ha ho ho...HIM? 

He drones on. Got that, everyone: "many big stars will play from home" oooh, we have heard it directly from that mover and shaker, "HANS" DE VENTE, who wines and dines with Sir Elton himself, and Simon Cowell, and Jay Z. Oh, correction, not Jay Z...we all know what a RACIST the fat ugly old Dutchman is. 

And so he drones on and on. He could have a stroke any minute. He admits he has "nothing better to do" than upload music...his cry for attention....his SOB for people to "love me." No, nobody LOVES him. Not even his retarded Mommy Wife, who is so addled these days she probably thinks that smelly thing wandering the house is a stray St. Bernard with mange.

Sunday, April 12, 2020


His father loathed him. His mother loathed him. 

He admitted that all he ever had in his life was his autistic idiot "wife," who blandly took pictures while the GROWN MAN hopped on a John Deere tractor in his little boy pants, and grinned stupidly.

What do you get Hansy Peter Pansy for his birthday? You guessed it. Aside from endless external drives for his porn and all the music he has stolen from Green, Exy and other bloggers, THIS is what he displays in his government-paid-for sterile Badhoevedorp apartment: 

The childish tantrums, the outrageous lies, the stupid puns and idiotic pranks...75 years of being an ASSHOLE. That's SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE aka "HANS DE VENTE" and dozens and dozens of aliases all over the Net and on his HUNDREDS of blogs. Over and over, he has been nothing but a monotonous, predictable Quasimodo. His head is his hunchback.

He once said that his mother-in-law was actually NICE to him. Sure, he married her retarded daughter and the government paid for their crappy little home and care. "She told me dirty jokes," Hansy said of his mother-in-law. 

HANS is a dirty joke.  He's been nothing but a pain in the ass to EVERYONE who has had to suffer his lies, his boasts, his moronic paranoia, and his shitty taste in music.

Exactly ONE person wishes "Happy Birthday" to the pesty, moronic, pushy, stupid, boring, obnoxious lying son-of-a-bitch SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE. 

What, no mention of diverticulitis, tinnitus, the wife falling down stairs, the "it doesn't look good" hospital reports, or the suicide threats because he's had SUCH a "life well lived?" 

What, no discography of Hank Williams or "HAG" to celebrate how a human virus from Holland can manage to keep on infecting the world year after year? 

What, no "you have 10 days to download what I stole from Green or Exy, my way or the highway, I'm the blogfather, here's my NEW BLOG" bullshit? 

What, no "greatest hits" of Hansy good will, like "I wish you AIDS WITH EBOLA" or "I hope you die of cancer" or "Here's his name and address everybody, get him" to his LONG paranoid list of people who trusted him only to have him turn psycho and rabid? 

Hansy Pansy, the Demented De Vente,  can only put on his drag party dress and his aluminum foil hat, and tell a bunch of strangers it's his birthday. How PATHETIC. In the REAL WORLD, the only human he has any contact with is that moribund MOMMY he lives with.

It's like Norman Bates living with his mother. One's a PSYCHO and the other is pretty much a dead waste of space. And vice versa. 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Ha Ha, HANS DE VENTE jokes about the Killer Virus, and does DUMB SHIT slang to Aussies

Why do people HATE this Sake Johannes De Vente so much? The Fairy Blogfather with a zillion names? One reason is his SHIT sense of humor.

He thinks he's SUCH A WIT. With his fractured ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, he loves to make the weakest puns, and offer the stupidest jokes. Since he is an emotional cripple who has NO FRIENDS in the real world, it's not a surprise how he alienates everyone with his LAME POSTS.

Here he is, trying to be friendly to a guy in Australia:

"fair dinkum,mate?"

That's HANSY's idea of HIP and COOL. You wonder how he'd react if somebody offered him a Hank Williams album and said, "This will knock your wooden shoes off! It'll spin your WINDMILL!"

But Hans is so pathetic, he can't hold a normal conversation with anyone. This goes back to the days when he posted porn in forums and giggled about it: "I just HAD to do it!" 

This is why everywhere he goes, people say "Can we BAN this ASSHOLE?"

Now he thinks the COVID-19 virus is hilarious, too. He's giving away music while telling everyone to stay SIX FEET AWAY. Ha ha. (In the real world, people stay 600 feet away. NOBODY wants to be anywhere near his shitty rowhouse apartment on the GOVERNMENT TEAT on Dellaertlaan in Badhovedorp. 

Yes, DIPSHIT DEVENTE thinks he's CLEVER and FUNNY with shit like this. "Let me see, I've GOT to have ANOTHER blog. What shall I call it...." He comes up with THIS, and as usual, Googles a photo he can steal. 

ANOTHER blog from numb-nuts no-brain "HANS DE VENTE," with more music nobody wants and/or music everyone already has. He's just a fat childish pest. You've known less VIRUS-LIKE versions -- the ugly, boring, downer-dip who keeps whining, "lemme play" -- and who screws everything up for everyone else. He attached himself to Andy Partridge till Andy was ready to puke. He's done it over and over and over, AD NAUSEUM all his miserable, useless life.  He won't go away with his stale jokes, his creepy attempts at buying attention, and his sad, sad need to be "loved" when he's loathsome inside and out.

QUASIMODO DEVENTE is not only ugly on the inside, he has a warped brain that is full of fungus. He's beyond sad. He's lucky he has DADDY ZINHOF to let him suck cock and drool. Nobody but utter senile retards can stand this moron. His wife, autistic when they married, is pretty much of a vegetable now. Say something nice about HANS -- HE DOES NOT HAVE KIDS. That's because he's not only brain dead, he's always been sperm dead.