Saturday, April 25, 2020

"HANS" De Vente the Cheap Dutchman who CHEATS HIS FRIENDS

You remembe Hanzie Hitler's boasts?

"I got a NEW COMPUTER...I got a NEW IPHONE...." He even showed pictures. He even boasted about his MANY COMPUTERS (Apple AND PC) and HARD DRIVES

He's also boasted that he has TONS of money and he LOVES to buy CDs JUST TO GIVE AWAY THE MUSIC. Here, under his JAN alias, he brags that he spent a fortune...

BUT, you know DEMENTED HANS DE VENTE. He is a pathological liar. He's a neurotic mad man. One minute he's bragging about spending a fortune, the next, he's whining that he wants somebody to save him some money:

His latest scam? He claims (via PHOTOSHOP) that he bought a CD for $50, and -- he wants his FRIENDS to chip in. Poor Hansy Pansy, "on the government teat," with his multiple computers and hard drives and his boasts of  how he "shelled out the money" over and over for rare imports, shows his true DUTCH CHEAPNESS in hoodwinking his FRIENDS.

Remember, he just posted about his new MACBOOK PRO that he bought:

So Mr. Moneybags wants to see what friends he can scam:

So much for generous "sharing," eh? The Cheap Dutchman would rather see which suckers STILL think he's a NICE GUY.

Did you notice Hans saying "50 DOLLARS" was the price of that stupid COUNTRY CD he just HAD to have? He only paid 42 DOLLARS:

PRETTY GOOD, LYING HANS. He gets two PATRONS to pay, what, $25 each, and he makes an $8 profit? 

YES, SUCKERS, "PATRONS," you got worthless files, and HANSY PANSY got a CD that he is going to RE-SELL on eBAY and make another $20 or $30 on.  You don't think he's gonna keep it, do you? He keeps moping "there are no hearses with luggage racks" and he's gonna die any second, so he has no need for anything but his zillion external hard drives and his PC's and MACS and iPhone.


This goes back to the earliest days of USENET when he'd whine that he wanted DAVID LETTERMAN shows with BRIAN WILSON mailed to him in Holland. He was offering to pay ONLY for the postage. When anyone asked why he wouldn't even pay a few dollars extra for the price of the tape, he exploded in a rage of curses.

DOZENS of the HANS HATERS used to be FRIENDS with him, but they got backstabbed. They got their links deleted. They got outed with HIS hate blogs FIRST where he published their photos and contact information. Some of the people who defended him the most ended up betrayed because he's such a sad, lonely paranoid madman. He's a sociopath who loves to use tricky fake names, made-up diseases, and go on pitiful moans about how poor he is (when it suits him) OR he growls "my way or the highway" and starts cursing and bragging he's spending hundreds of dollars on Japanese imports and won't give any of it away until he is assured that he's LOVED. 


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