Saturday, April 11, 2020

Ha Ha, HANS DE VENTE jokes about the Killer Virus, and does DUMB SHIT slang to Aussies

Why do people HATE this Sake Johannes De Vente so much? The Fairy Blogfather with a zillion names? One reason is his SHIT sense of humor.

He thinks he's SUCH A WIT. With his fractured ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, he loves to make the weakest puns, and offer the stupidest jokes. Since he is an emotional cripple who has NO FRIENDS in the real world, it's not a surprise how he alienates everyone with his LAME POSTS.

Here he is, trying to be friendly to a guy in Australia:

"fair dinkum,mate?"

That's HANSY's idea of HIP and COOL. You wonder how he'd react if somebody offered him a Hank Williams album and said, "This will knock your wooden shoes off! It'll spin your WINDMILL!"

But Hans is so pathetic, he can't hold a normal conversation with anyone. This goes back to the days when he posted porn in forums and giggled about it: "I just HAD to do it!" 

This is why everywhere he goes, people say "Can we BAN this ASSHOLE?"

Now he thinks the COVID-19 virus is hilarious, too. He's giving away music while telling everyone to stay SIX FEET AWAY. Ha ha. (In the real world, people stay 600 feet away. NOBODY wants to be anywhere near his shitty rowhouse apartment on the GOVERNMENT TEAT on Dellaertlaan in Badhovedorp. 

Yes, DIPSHIT DEVENTE thinks he's CLEVER and FUNNY with shit like this. "Let me see, I've GOT to have ANOTHER blog. What shall I call it...." He comes up with THIS, and as usual, Googles a photo he can steal. 

ANOTHER blog from numb-nuts no-brain "HANS DE VENTE," with more music nobody wants and/or music everyone already has. He's just a fat childish pest. You've known less VIRUS-LIKE versions -- the ugly, boring, downer-dip who keeps whining, "lemme play" -- and who screws everything up for everyone else. He attached himself to Andy Partridge till Andy was ready to puke. He's done it over and over and over, AD NAUSEUM all his miserable, useless life.  He won't go away with his stale jokes, his creepy attempts at buying attention, and his sad, sad need to be "loved" when he's loathsome inside and out.

QUASIMODO DEVENTE is not only ugly on the inside, he has a warped brain that is full of fungus. He's beyond sad. He's lucky he has DADDY ZINHOF to let him suck cock and drool. Nobody but utter senile retards can stand this moron. His wife, autistic when they married, is pretty much of a vegetable now. Say something nice about HANS -- HE DOES NOT HAVE KIDS. That's because he's not only brain dead, he's always been sperm dead.

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