Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Why do so many people in the Zinhof shoutbox hate HANS DE VENTE? For the same reason thousands do. He's a Narcissistic ASSHOLE. 

Yes, there are plenty more reasons to hate him, but even when he's taking his meds and not cursing and screaming, he's a distracting PAIN IN THE ASS. He's a walking blob of diverticulitis. 

Who wants this idiot calling attention to himself by...posting NOTHING over and over? 

That's DEMENTED HANS DEVENTE. Why does he do something like that? To get attention. Because he's a moron. Because he has no life. Because he's senile and his brainstem is more like a rancid chunk of gouda cheese.

Every day this sad impotent old man hoists himself into his adult diaper, puts on his frilly dress, smears lipstick over his blubbery lower lip, and coquettes to the male strangers in the shoutbox. "Anyone want?" Yoo hoo, "ANYONE WANT?" "IS THERE ANY INTEREST?" 

Here's Mr. Senility doing his usual time-wasting babble over how he has some old "Top Hits of Each Year" files that EVERYONE HAS BY NOW, and "IS THERE ANY INTEREST??"

Who wants to read through this insane bilge? There he is, Mr. Mental Case, talking to himself. The surprise is he isn't using a bunch of his drag aliases like MARIA and JOANNA and MARY to answer him. 

DEMENTED DEVENTE goes off on tangents all the time. Most of them involve his alleged tinnitus (except he's always asking for MORE music), how he's going to die any minute (promises, promises) and how he's now going beddie-bye. Yes, this idiot actually posts that he's IN BED and so he's not going to do anymore uploading or downloading.

Somebody actually wants some of his limp, boring crap...and he turns them down because he's such a COQUETTE. Oooh, he's in BED. Somehow, he's online and on his computer, but he's IN BED. 

Another way he tries to get attention is to moan and simper and cry about an old disaster (he'll fill up the shoutbox on 9/11 with his whining and his lies about being at ground zero) or anything new in the news. His totally insincere bullshit is NEVER so sincere that he can't make a bad joke. Ha ha...DIKE-DYKE: 

This is all that demented HANS DEVENTE can do with the little time he has left: pester and coquette in an obscure shoutbox, post in a few other lame areas of the Internet, flog the same garbage CHRISTMAS albums and SOFT MUSIC albums and COUNTRY COWBOY crapola again and again and again. 

Meanwhile his brainstem continues to rot and cause these absurd outbursts of witless, pointless time-wasting posts.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

NOTHING BUT SHIT - AOR (an old retard) sucking BBC while listening to SOFT MUSIC


That's Hans DeVente. He's got nothing to do till he dies except...

....spending all day uploading SOFT lame music to a BLOG.

He has a soft lame dick but maybe it twitches a bit when he sneaks away from his idiot wife and sucks a big black cock in Amsterdam on a Saturday night? 

Some of the latest lameness that pathetic Hans has put on his soggy sad BLOG. (Oooh ooh, hurry hurry, only ten days!) 

Thursday, November 14, 2019


We all know Hansy Pansy's love of gay porn. How he even tossed big black cock photos into Zinhof's shoutbox and told some people to suck on it. 

Now on his lame "Itsnothingbuthits" blog, he calls himself BBC, after the thing he loves most and can't find enough of in Holland: BIG BLACK COCK.

Hansy Pansy is well acquainted with all gay and crossdressing slang, which is why he's used aliases in the shoutbox like MARY and JAN and UNIT...anything that involves transvestism and dick worship. BBC is just more code about what he's into. 

One reason Hansy Pansy has always cried "blogging saved my life" is that by giving away music in forums, in shoutboxes, and his endless series of BLOGS, he can meet up with music fans who might also share his interest in GAY PORN, BIG BLACK COCK and dressing up in wifey's undies. 

Everyone knows that Hans has had a sexless, ridiculous marriage to an autistic idiot who is simply around as a mother figure, somebody who mildly scolds him and makes him keep the house tidy. He's spent the last 20 years being an online jackass carrying on about his gay idols like Curt Boettcher, his love of BEACH BOYS and COWBOYS, and soft, soft music that's as soft as his limp old unit. What can sometimes get his unit twitching is GAY PORN. 

His latest blogs are loaded with the lamest music because he wants to attract YOUNGER GUYS who might share photos with him and send him raunchy emails. He's tired of Joao and some of the other pathetic old guys who are now totally impotent and only want to sit around napping while they listen to Windham Hill music. 

At HANSDEVENTER he's offering a boring collection of 80's junk. At least it's not HANK WILLIAMS again or CHRISTMAS MUSIC again or WINDHAM HILL again. (It sure as hell is NOT going to be Janis Joplin, Carly Simon, Joni Mitchell or ANY WOMEN. EVER.) 

Zzzzzz. Note he's back to posting that dumb meme: A LIFE WELL USED BRINGS A HAPPY DEATH. 

What did he do with his life? Steal shit? Bootleg shit? Write death threats to other bloggers like "I Hope you die of AIDS with EBOLA?" He lied to people about being a SONY bigshot (he was a gofer and a janitor) so he could get free tickets and free records. He got FIRED. 

While he was hoodwinking a few rock performers, he managed to get an autograph or two, bootleg a show, and once he pushed his way onto the stage during a Talking Heads show (along with dozens and dozens of others) to "sing" the chorus to one of their forgettable songs. This was the HIGHLIGHT of his useless life. Did he actually "sing?" No, he has a high-pitched nasal voice like a female goose farting. He has NO talent. 

He's been a failure all his life.  Now he's a zombie who puts up blogs and takes them down, posts music and deletes it, and gets attention for being a pest. At best, he gets in his drag and does his toady act of being the fat slut who gives it away for free. "Anyone need?" He/she will go steal from any other blog to get something a guy might want. If the guy doesn't offer enough thanks, or doesn't send him an email and get involved in gay porn, He/she throws a fit and tells everyone he's leaving the shoutbox. Which lasts a day or two. 

Boring boring boring. HOW BORING? He posts the same 80's garbage on his OTHER blog: ITSNOTHINGBUTHITS which is NOTHING BUT SHIT

Hansy Pansy calls him/herself BBC on this blog. 

Hurry hurry, get his 10 day link before he deletes it even earlier. Hansy Pansy always likes to include a photo that mentions "UNAUTHORIZED COPYING, HIRING, LENDING...PROHIBITED." He gets a kick out of getting even with SONY and the music industry that didn't want him. NOBODY wants him. The best he can do is bribe people to tolerate him, but it's no big trick to give away music, and everybody has more than enough. What he wants is photos of big tricks...BBC...BIG BLACK COCK. 


Tuesday, November 5, 2019


What a surprise. HANS DEVENTE doesn't make sense. 

The old impotent crackpot wears the same smelly clothes every day, does nothing but play with his John Deere toy collection and haunt the Internet, and he's so INSANE he doesn't know what he has or what he needs.

The guy with the tinnitus that makes it IMPOSSIBLE to hear music, is begging for MORE MUSIC one minute, and asking people what they want the next. Other people just post links. Bad Santa makes people BEG. 

When Dr. Jerkyl isn't HIDING under different names, thanking himself for uploads, or begging for music one minute and then holding out GOODIES the next, he's in a state of utter delerium.

At 73 he is rotting from the inside, an atrophied idiot taking a government check since he was 55. Aside from driving his bloated SUV to get more gouda (he doesn't need more than one shirt and one huge pair of pants), he spends all his time sobbing over bad music inside his dull rowhouse in BADHOEVEDORP, a boring place that is truly a sanitarium for Dutch Douchebags. 

Here's a random bunch of inane blabberings from Demented Devente.

He has the NERVE to tell people how to act in the shoutbox. He says in one post that he's giving away music and in another he tells people they should buy the music instead. He launches an insane scheme where people are supposed to get his WORTHLESS CDs if they'll only contact him. He rages that he's deleted only hours after he posts (he gets a deletion link with his upload and hits it...NO rights owner finds and gets links deleted in an hour). He's NUTS.

Meanwhile he posts his blink links to his latest idiot blog. Is it a surprise that everyone is so sick and tired of his pathetic lunacy? His posting of SHIT? His needy psycho whining? His lies? His growling curses? 

He can't help it. He's TOO INSANE. Can he stop making new blogs and posting garbage on them? Can he STOP babbling about how he's dying, and deaf, and he and his wife have brain cancer, and he's got a broken hard drive and needs everyone to upload the music he's missing?

His latest idiot blog has this slogan: 

He'll make people happy when he dies. If one of his boyfriends alerts a forum or a shoutbox, he'll get two or three "RIP" quickies, one or two "he was crazy" shrugs, and DEAD SILENCE FOREVER AFTER.

Hans Demented - The BORING Deleter


Hans Devente pulls his music links and his blogs just like he pulls his withered old scrotum and dick up between his legs so he can wear his knickers like a true girly-girl.  

Another blog from Demented Hans Devente deleted by himself. Again. What else is new with the senile, impotent old poof?

He was doing his usual GET THEM NOW, THEY WILL BE DELETED game:

He rarely posts anything NORMAL, like Rolling Stones albums, so you know he's going to delete them fast. That's his sadism. That's his "you need to pay attention to me to get the GOODIES." 

Hansy Pansy's real love is PANSY music. He was always romping around having gay encounters while his autistic idiot wife stayed home staring at the wall. 

His NEW blog? The HANSDEVENTER blog? It's full of his REAL joys, like his "HARD CANDY" boy-toy favorite: 

Does HANSY PANSY ever get tired of drooling over NED DOHENY? Never. His 73 year-old limp dick might not be of any use (neither is his brain) but he can at least sigh over the photo, and maybe CRY.

You know HANSY PANSY. He LOVES a good effeminate CRY. He's always posting sentimental tripe and insisting, "you'll cry when you hear it."

Like the Brokeback Mountain gay, HANSY PANSY "can't quit" the cowboys, so he keeps posting MERLE and HANK over and over and over and over and over.


What a bore. 

He asks why people in the shoutbox hate him? The answer is obvious. Most of them know him as the narcissistic blowhard who's been an asshole for over a decade. Mr. "My Blog Can Beat Your Blog." The jerk who invented the fake blog just to torment his rivals. The one who got a hacker to help him ruin the DejaVu forum. The evidence is on other blogs you can easily find. 

The NEWER people just see that he's a boring broken record, with his "I'm dying" whines, and his "I've got tinnitus" whines and his call-attention "anybody need this" games and his  tedious nattering about himself and his external drives, with photos of his computers. WHAT A DULLARD. 

The worst is that while everyone in the shoutbox posts their music there, this ASSHOLE insists on saying "link is at my BLOG." He has to have a new BLOG. Yet another BLOG. BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG. BLAH BLAH BLAH.

This latest loser blog is HANSDEVENTER and lookie lookie. He's back to the same BORING picture on the top: 

Is he fooling anyone? Maybe himself? He's had a dull, useless life. He was FIRED BY SONY ON HIS BIRTHDAY (they really HATED HIM). He had menial jobs most of his life and lied constantly to try and make himself seem big. He was a gofer, an office boy, a NOTHING at SONY but he stole credentials so he could go to free concerts and go backstage to pester rock stars for autographs. 

His "proudest" moments are having a few worthless autographs from band membes of Talking Heads and XTC. What an accomplishment. NOT. 

He's been drawing a government check since he was 55. That's a LONG TIME TO BE USELESS. "Blogging saved my life," he whined, as he deleted other bloggers and said nice things like "I HOPE YOU DIE OF AIDS AND EBOLA." Yes, he was the one who was always being insulting and nasty. Now he claims, "I'm a good man, I never did anything wrong. What did I ever do to anyone?"