Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Fairy Blogfather "HANS" De VENTE PANDEMIC strikes - MORE assholes for ZINHOF

Is this a surprise?

Daddy Zinhof lets ugly, sad-sack sociopath HANZIE HITLER be a jerk, so ALL of HANZIE HITLER'S idiot pals decide they can delete files, play games, and be jerks too. 

Zinhof the Croatian Scrotum speaks English even worse than HANZIE HITLER and has no idea what he's doing, so people who DESPERATELY can't go to normal forums, torrents or shitboxes have to hope that the senile fool will get a brain and start EJECTING the troublemakers.

HANZIE HITLER has NO LIFE and NOTHING BETTER TO DO. What about NORMAL people? They can and should LEAVE THE PLAYPEN to the "English as Second Language" ASSHOLES.

Look at the CHAOS, led by Little Pee-Pee Joao, HANZIE HITLER'S BOYFRIEND with the BRAZILIA WAX JOB. 

NOBODY have anything better to do? Limp Dick HANZIE HITLER doesn't, and his "friends" don't. HANZIE HITLER only has his "darling" retard wife who cleans up after his loose bowel movements. He is a LOSER. 

Why keep putting up with a LOSER and his retardedly anal "friends?" 

People have ENOUGH music without having a turd like "HANS" De Vente polluting their bowl. This pathetic Drama Queen Fairy Blogfather is infecting everyone with his INSANITY.

He is a LUNATIC. He should be in an asylum. He's been a waste of space all his life. His father beat him because his father KNEW he was a useless ugly TURD with NO wit, talent or BRAINS.

HANZIE HITLER'S "FRIENDS" are JUST AS NUTS with their dizzy deletions and passwords and the rest of it.  LATER to the ABNORMALS! 

Who would associate with a gnat-brain like JOAO in real life? Only HANZIE HITLER via emails. And NOBODY associates with HANZIE HITLER in Badhoevedorpo. His neighbors all SHUN him because he's such an ugly monster with NO social skills and a BIG SMELL.

Dithering idiots who can't even make sense or speak English?  


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