Monday, August 31, 2020

REALHANS is a really limp old queen - chitter-chattering to men in a shoutbox, boring everyone with his bad-taste "CHILL" music


 It's the REALHANS all right, a lonely senile moron who clogs up the shoutbox with endless chit-chat about his computer and his LOVE of crappy lounge music and "chill" swill. 

Limp Dick Sake Johannes DeVente, the most demented jackass in that sleepy down of Badhoevedorp, truly has NOTHING better to do. 

He still loves to dress in MAID DRAG, even if it's not calling HERSELF "Beth" or "LEGS" or "JAN" at the moment, and coos so softly to the guys, "do you want it?" "can I UP IT for you?" "I will get it for you!" 

Anything to do something nice for a guy who MIGHT send him a dick pic. The hilarious thing is when he ups files for somebody who actually is one of his biggest haters, and REALHANS thinks that he's actually bribing the guy to stop reporting what he's doing in the shoutbox. Hilarity indeed. 

"Thanks Hans." And the sad Dutch Douche is so lonely, so brain-eroded, he wets his knickers over the compliment and is ready to waste what little time he has left, upping MORE MORE MORE. 

He's STILL CRAZY AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. Anyone want to read this pathetic pussified bilge he types? What a waste of space! 

Blah blah blah till his brainstem explodes again, and what's left of his warped brain cells spill out in the emergency room, to be swept into a garbage pail. 

Then it's a few months flat on his back in a hospital ward: NO computer, NO Zinhof, NO external drives, just a bedpan, and just a fat-faced gray limpdick useless old fart watching the clock tick, tick, tick...then FADE TO BLACK. 

He will NOT be missed. He led the useless life of a sad, sad, LOSER. 

Saturday, August 29, 2020


After cursing people and being a drama queen as bmx, as legs, as Beth...etc. etc. and EVERY time saying "I'm NOT HANS," here comes HANS again. 

Like David Berkowitz and Mark David Chapman, the two men most closely like himself, Sake Johannes De Vente is "born again." No longer the deranged maniac assuming different identities and making threats, and cursing people and deleting posts and being evil, he is REALHANS, pure of heart, and sobbing "blessed day!" to everyone.

Oh no apology of course. No: "Sorry I was such an asshole all last week with my homicidal drag queen identities BETH and LEGS, and the other three identities..." Just HERE I AM, the Disciple of Jesus, doing what Jesus would do -- steal music to be loved by strange men! 

BLESSED DAY EVERYONE. REALHANS is here with synthpop music! JOY TO THE WORLD. Soon it'll be that New Age shit from Windham Hill again, and more HANK WILLIAMS and of course anything he can swipe from other bloggers.

blessed day,everyone. 

He's REBORN. NEW IDENTITY. He's not going to start setting down rules, cursing everyone, deleting his rivals, or playing control-freak games or sobbing over his thousand ailments and how he's dying, and has tinnitus, and has a brain like rotten gouda which makes him forget his REAL name all the time and makes him post with so many idiotic typos. 

He had SO much fun with all his schizo identities and pissing people off and playing with his drag costumes...just one example...

Ha ha ha. Trick or treat. What a tease. What a cutie: "yes I am Hans,but not THAT Hans..." Ha ha ha.

What did he do on August 27th? He got himself a fresh alias, and suddenly bmx, legs, Beth disappeared and here's...REAL HANS. Oh JOY to the WORLD. Mr. Trick or Treat Sex Change Loony is now going to give away GOODIES under his REAL NAME. Pay attention, everyone.

It's the same old California shit as usual -- from the guy who, as Beth, insisted that SHE winters in Palm Springs every year. Lahh deeeeeee dahhh. Oh yes, and back to stealing from Green's website

Isn't that lovely? At least one moron thinks so:

Yes, everyone appreciates the GENEROSITY of Hanzie Hitler...until he lashes back: "I want paypal donations" until he lashes back "Fuck you!" until he lashes back "I hope you die of AIDS with EBOLA!" until he lashes back "my way or the highway" and starts screaming at everyone for asking him a question, asking for an upload, or doing something else that suddenly gets his half-rotted brain to go into full-paranoia mode with irrational anger and...of course...deletions on whoever he decides he doesn't like.

Meanwhile, everyone can enjoy this lovely sense of humor. Here he is, REALHANS, already getting pissy in his knickers. He is already making rules of what he WILL and WILL NOT do, and creating his usual Drama Queen antics: 

It's ok, as long as he can bribe people into liking him by stealing from somebody else: 

Hanzie Hitler lies and lies so often, and creates so many schizo new names for himself, he can't keep track of the truth. He's said, time and again, that he was hatched in 1946. NOW he's claiming he's 77 (born during the war!) 

Really, REAL HANS, you were born in 1943? Back when your mommy was servicing all those Nazi soldiers? Tell us, Hanzie Hitler, was your mother a whore or a slut? Was she a slut giving it away for free (the way you give away music) or, being a Cheap Dutch Bitch, did your mother CHARGE money, like the many times you stormed out of Zinhof's shoutbox after DEMANDING that people donate and send you money via Paypal for ALL you've done? 

Of course either way, Hanzie Hitler's father was not happy with this, and as Hanzie has sobbed countless times, "My father beat me." Probably because his father couldn't be sure if the child was his or the spawn of a Nazi soldier having a Dutch treat with Mrs. DeVente. 

Poor Hans. The REALHANS is a really such a fat, ugly, pig-faced brain-rotting LOSER. He tells the world he's deteriorating rapidly: 

Soon he will be in a ward with tubing down his throat and up his ass, NO computer, NO external drives, NO drag wardrobe, NO NOTHING except month after month of PURGATORY. All he can look back on is being a pain in the ass on the Internet for nearly 20 years, and having an autographed CD from "talking heads, friends of me" except no signature from David Byrne on it. That John Deere toy collection will be given away to charity, enjoyed by a REAL CHILD aged 12, not an overgrown old fart who acts like a spoiled brat and lives a schizoid life of being a pig, acting out with tantrums, flirting like a drag queen, and being scorned as a total LOSER. 

REALHANS, you can't put lipstick on a pig.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020




Gouda-Brain the Schizoid, aka "BETH" and "JAN" and now "LEGS" continues to show how eroded his mind is. He's happily deranged and when he's outed, he's like I"M HERE AND I'M QUEER and as long as senile Zinhof turns the other ass-cheek, this SHIT will continue.

Somehow "LEGS" the newbie instantly starts flirting with some GUYS in the Zinhof shoutbox, offering insincere compliments to HAWKEYE and ROCKNROLLPIMP

Hanzie has had a long-standing love-hate affair with sham, and hey, if Hanzie is going to download some Carla Olson tat, and sham is grateful, then MAYBE Hanzie won't be deleting sham files like he's done so often in the past. Sham wow....

"BETH" aka "JAN" aka "LEGS" is so comfy in her new drag, she can't stop burbling and babbling about why SHE is called "LEGS" (like anyone cares) and how, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, yes, her real name IS Hans but she isn't THAT Hans. HA HA HA HA HA.

Got the usual garbage to toss into the shoutbox? Ooof. Not THAT shit again: 

The veterans see who is back again. What a stale, stale joke.

Let's not even BOTHER with some of the other silly names that have suddenly turned up. Here's Hanzie Hitler mocking one of the people who is outing him: 

Yes, exit "BETH" and enter "LEGS" among others, to cause more chaos, get more attention, start flirting with a few posters while prancing around explaining how "LEGS" is "HANS" but a different "HANS" and the nickname comes is. 

What happens when "LEGS" finally minces away after getting a few too many insults and not enough NICE comments? Well, you know what is between the legs of LEGS. Hanzie Hitler's next ID will be: CUNT.


Here's Hanzie Hitler the Brat, back again. She's b-a-a-a-a-ck. "BETH" is showing her "LEGS" 

Yes, ONE OF the aliases Demented De Vente is using in Old Man Zinhof's shoutbox is "LEGS." Why? Oh gee, just LOOK at those GORGEOUS LEGS:


People wonder HOW...CRAZY...does "SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE" of Badhoevedorp get? 

What SANE person would climb on top of a fucking John Deere truck to pretend he's a Cal-E-Fornia cowboy, or a Nashville farmer or...what...that he's surveying his acreage in PALM SPRINGS? 

Fat Piggy Hanzie Hitler is so incredibly bloated, he can't fit into a normal car, that's for sure. Look at that enormous belly. 

As for his pasty white legs, only HE would be proud of them. 

Only HE, lonely and pathetic, would keep coming back where he's NOT WANTED, and coyly insist every time that his new alias "is not Hans. I am not Hans." Funny, a newbie never asks, "Who is Hans?" or "Why do you think I'm Hans? What did that guy do?" 

Nope. The brat just enjoys being a brat. He LOVES the attention. Everyone is onto him the moment he minces into the shoutbox again with another ludicrous and usually gay name. From the Dickheaded UNIT to androgynous JAN to dickless BETH and now....LEGS...


He/She/It is SUCH a LOSER.

This is all DEMENTED HANS DE VENTE has in his life. If he wasn't deleting files on his "enemies," and cursing at everyone and being a total pain in the ass, one MIGHT feel sorry for him.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

IMAGINE... Hans De Vente DEAD, and the shoutbox free from his monotonous moronic games


 Here's a typical post from David, who was searching around for a Hans De Vente obituary: 

After a while, every doubter comes to realize that SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE the liar who isn't even really "HANS" is a total psycho, a manic-depressive bi-polar dangerous lunatic. 

Just one little question: why would a maniac who has invaded the Zinhof shoutbox 40 or 50 times under different names, and been outed for crossdressing aliases like MARIA and MARY, come back yet AGAIN as BETH? 

Is that somebody of sound mind????

Everyone wishes BETH/HANS etc would DROP DEAD or that Zinhof would stop letting him get new aliases and continue to be a DELETER and a pain in the ass. 

BETH, who kept telling everyone "i am not hans" replied with crazy self-important shit:

BETH doesn't shut up. Like Donald Trump, the more lies he tells, the more arrogant he becomes, and the more denial and double-talk you get:

Maybe it's the DEATH of BETH. In another day or two, ANOTHER alias? Then MORE deletions? Or is he already hiding under a new name and keeping quiet while he DELETES some more files, jealous of his/her enemies?

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Crossdressing Hans De Vente flirts with men at Zinhof's shoutbox while enjoyins his masochism and "heartbreaking" TV DRAMAS

 HOW...CRAZY...IS...HANS DE VENTE? SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE, the man/woman of a thousand aliases?

As BETH, he's flirting with other men in the Zinhof shoutbox. After a quick curtsy and a demure masochistic thank-you for some idiot music he supposedly CAN'T HEAR DUE TO TINNITUS, he coyly asks a new MEMBER where he lives: 

Oooh ooh, BETH spends winters in Palm Springs! 

Still CRAZY after all these years. STILL THE BIGGEST LIAR IN HOLLAND.

BETH is a creepy limp-dick old man who is a CHEAP DUTCHMAN who won't buy music or movies. He'll only by women's clothes to wear because his DARLING WIFE got angry at how he stretched out her knickers.

CHEAP DUTCHMAN Hansy doesn't even buy new MALE clothes for himself. He wears the same flannel-checked blue shirt every day and IT STINKS. 

He is, as he happily admits, "on the government teat" and has NEVER been to PALM SPRINGS. 

What other insanity is BETH up to? Hans repeated lied about being in New York on 9/11, and now he's sobbing about a TV show filmed in New York. Masochistic wimp Hans, AKA Beth, thinks it's entertaining to watch a show that "will break your heart." Cry cry cry, Beth. Cry cry cry, GIRLY.

Oh, but what IS the problem with BETH? Senility? Brain damage? What happened to the upload?

Poor CONFUSED BETH. Doesn't know how to upload stupid shit anymore. It will "break your heart" when you download something from this OLD FART and it's DEFECTIVE.

Blame it on Covid-19. BETH is soooooo SCARED: 

BETH watches a TV show and it "scares me a lot." But she likes it that way doesn't it? Watch this, THE BEST SHOW EVER MADE because "IT WILL BREAK YOUR HEART." 

Hans De Vente's heart is breaking. So is his brain stem.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Where does limp-dick crossdresser "BETH" Hans De Vente get his Frocks?


It's been known for some time now, that HANS DE VENTE loves his DRAG, and his special fetish is FRENCH MAID COSTUMES.

This is why his latest drag identity at Zinhof's secretly little hidey-hole is a FRENCH girl named BETH. 

BETH, like the coy coquette HANS wishes he was, drops little French phrases along with links to stupid things like DISNEY kiddie movies. (Pedophile Hans de Vente, eh? Et tu, you ugly old weirdo?)


Hansy Pansy's few defenders (who end up saying "You were RIGHT, he's INSANE") think that "nobody could be THAT screwed up."

YES. Go through the many hate blogs posted by many people, and contributed to by many many MANY people, and see all the insane shit he's done under a variety of names, in a variety of forums and blogs over the past 15 years! 

So, yeah, BELIEVE it, it's HANSY the FRENCH MAID adding little bits of FRENCH to his fake BETH identity. 

There is NO end to his neurotic pathology. He's a manic-depressive bi-polar bi-sexual sado-masochistic one-man lunatic asylum. He has no friends except his own schizoid identities. As for his retarded autistic mono-syllabic idiot wife, let's just say that Norman Bates had more fun with his DEAD MOTHER.

Hansy's FAVORITE place for transvestite items is right HERE at Hunkemöller:


It's in Amsterdam, and poor Hansy Pansy complains that ever since that TERRIBLE car accident where he was REAR ENDED by a mean truck driver, causing him TINNITUS, he's not much for driving anymore. 

What a pity.

Also a little TOO far to travel, is Marieke (where have we heard that first name before) Vermaas' shop in Hoofddorp. Ah, lovely lovely Hoofddorp where they can get out the EXTRA LARGE TAPE MEASURE a fat plus-size slov like Hans De Vente needs. Yes, yes, Sucky Sake Johannes De Vente, we can use the fabric from a parachute to make you a NICE pair of knickers what will fit you! 


There isn't much for a crossdresser in shitty little Badhoevedorp. That's the retirement village where the government pays SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE his social security. That lets him spend money on external hard drives for all his stolen porn and illegally downloaded movies and music. 

He has money left over to get his French maid items by mail (a big problem is that women's lingerie shops do NOT appreciate ugly hulking dirty old men handling the merchandise, and there's almost nothing in Hansy Pansy's extra-large-gorilla-ass size). 

Yes, while he does use mail order now that he can't find his size in stores, and most stores don't want him around scaring the female customers, he CAN be seen sobbing as he looks into the window at Yentl. If you're in Badhoevedorp, go over to Pa Verkuijllaan 7 and you might see him standing there in tears, crying in that whiny high-pitched girly voice of his. Hers. 

Hansy shouldn't stand around looking for too long. Some of the people who hate him most ARE in Holland. One of them might just snap and...but let's think NICE thoughts. That's what Fairy Princess French Maid Hansy would do. Or BETH as he calls himself these days.

Oh yes, that frou-frou white bridal dress would look so NICE on BETH-HANSY but it won't fit his carcass. Merde! (Merde is what is in his head).

Au revoir, BETH. Go jump into the river in France. Oh. Right, you already are IN SEINE.


 Hello, BETH. My my, do you look FETCHING in that FROCK.

This is what a LIMP DICK old Dutch Douche does with the TIME HE HAS LEFT. 

HANSY PANSY has returned with the 9th or 9th alias at Zinhof's shoutbox, and once again, HE has become a SHE. How appropriate. 

HANSY PANSY is really a pussy -- bitchy when things go wrong, but more often a pussy maid who gladly curtsies and posts whatever anyone wants. This isn't the first time HANSY PANSY has taken a FEMALE name, Mary. Not at all. He gets these periodic...URGES. It's still the same old stink from the blog world's fattest, flabiest, ugliest CUNT.

SHE is posting the same old GARBAGE. Hansy Pansy weeps and wets his knickers over "It's a Wonderful Life," so even in a fucking heatwave in the middle of AUGUST, guess what this silly bitch posts? 

Ho Ho Ho -- ho hum. "Bad Santa" has become Santa's WIFEY, in that Christmas drag. This is why the shoutbox people IGNORE the asshole. SUCH A BORING OLD FART. SO BRAIN DEAD.

Why don't you brag about your ENDLESS supply of EXTERNAL DRIVES, Hansy Pansy? 

What a lame, limp dick LOSER.  What next? Another brainstem explosion? No brains left!

Monday, August 3, 2020


HILARIOUS HANZIE HITLER minces and wobbles into Zinhof's shoutbox as bmx (after going through two aliases within a week) and pulls his usual boring stunts.

Hey everybody, "let yourself be surprised" by cllicking on a link loaded with BORING OLD MUSIC:

If it looks like stale dog shit, you don't have to smell it, do you?

Instantly everyone agreed, the pathetic lonely loser "HANS" was back. What did "HANS" do? Of course. What he ALWAYS does. He posts "i am not him."

FUNNY isn't it, that the newbie bmx would tell everyone that HANS IS WYSIWYG. How would a newbie know THAT?

"HANS" of course is STUPID. He was always STUPID but now he's SENILE and STUPID. He's lucky he's such a feeble old fart that the people who could jail him, or just beat the shit out of him haven't done it. YET. He does have a death wish. That's why he keeps coming back SO OBVIOUSLY.

He continues to annoy and antagonize the good and prolific members of the Zinhof shoutbox. He wants them to leave so he can have it for himself.

Want some analysis of why this guy is such a wretch? It goes back to his childhood. His parents NEVER wanted him. His father beat him. He didn't get the attention he wanted so he became nastier, more vicious, and a compulsive liar.

"A case could be made," someone with a degree in psychology says, "that he meets the criteria for antisocial personality disorder, which in its most severe form is generally considered sociopathy, but can also refer to chronic criminality, arrogance and disregard for the rights of others."

Yes, a forum member who is a professional in PSYCHO behavior (and just happens to like rare music and looks for it online) encountered "HANS" De Vente (the man who uses a fake first name) and could not BELIEVE what a motherlode of motherfucking INSANITY was bottled up in that bearded twat's misshapen head:

"Malignant narcissism..." was the description. Yes, it might explain the pathetic old Dutch Douchebag called Sake Johannes De Vente using two or three dozen split-personality names in forums, and another three dozen or more in Zinhof's shoutbox. People do feel sorry for him until he stabs them in the back. Until he deletes their posts. Until he shouts at them and curses them for no reason. The shoutbox veterans have seen this boring bombast time and again and try to ignore it. They only wish that ZINHOF could speak English, moderate the shoutbox, and get rid of this asshole.

Put it in layman's terms: "Hans" De Vente is a Dutch commode with shit for brains. He's a pathetic, monotonous latent-homosexual blob of nothing. He parrots the same stupid phrases (like "it's not me" and "I'm a good egg" and "I'm a good man") whenever he's outed.

The expert therapist continues: "His pathologies would require a full battery of tests that he'll never sit for. It's too late for him. He'll be dead soon anyway. He's anti-social and essentially institutionalized. He's spent the past 15 years in a silly little government walk-up in a flat, useless little town outside of Amsterdam. He does not know how to thrive or survive in the real world. He lives in a world of blogs and fake names for himself."

He'd be proud to read all of this (aren't you, Gouda-breath?) because ANY attention is welcome in his drab, stupid life. HE IS A LOSER. All he has is lumbering into a shoutbox under a new name, or declaring NEW BLOG and posting OLD SHIT. Then he waits for a nice comment, or to see if a dozen people might download this latest wimpy post of SOFT music.

What would he do if he couldn't make an asshole of himself, delete files, come up with new names and blogs, and otherwise piss everyone off? He'd otherwise be just the dull bump he really is. He'd be just another meaningless clod giving away music if he was an ORDINARY member if the shoutbox. Instead he can actually delight in saying "people really hate me!" That's fame? It is to a creep whose own father wanted to beat him to death, whose own mother hated him, and who ended up marrying an autistic stump who is a sexless lump of chalk.