Monday, September 23, 2019


Demented Hans Devente can't keep his lies straight.

He pretends that he's Mr. Generous and he buys music JUST to post in a shoutbox for a pitifully few people. The truth is, he spends his wretched last days sniffing all over the Internet for freebies and then brings the stolen "goodies" in. He only pretends to spend money. 

Here he boasts he's bought 21 expensive import CDs recently

Here he forgets, and posts the TRUTH, which is he's too cheap to buy even ONE

Mr. Generous tells somebody that he BOUGHT a track off iTunes as a gift. Who BUYS that? First off, he was probably talking to one of his own aliases. OR, he was trying to impress some guy he wants to PM with and exchange porn. 

Hans buys a GIFT for another man? No he either sniffed around the Internet and found the song or he had it all along and is just talking to himself and trying to impress people into thinking he's a nice guy instead of a cheap pathological attention-seeking back-stabbing old scumbag. 

He forgot about THIS post he made when he was using the hermaphrodite handle JAN. Here, he whines that somebody should find a song for him BECAUSE HE DOES NOT WANT TO PAY FOR ONE LOUSY SONG ON ITUNES

It's all proof that this old man is DEMENTED, and a pathological liar. 

That doesn't mean he's a harmless one. He's turned in and reported other uploaders. He's hacked into forums. He's sent death threats. He's made fake blogs for malicious bullying (which is why he's gotten them in return). 

When his email account got hacked, a lot of very interesting secrets emerged about this Dutch Douchebag with the zillion aliases and a dossier of crimes. Along the way he's admitted to being a liar, a thief, a deleter and a perv. He even posted gay porn in the shoutbox which socked and angered everyone. He posted a picture of a black man sucking himself off and posted it as a suggestion to somebody he decided he hated. "Go suck yourself like THIS." He is irrational, nasty and a menace. You never know what crazy shit he is going to do next that could destroy the shoutbox. He's so old and crazy he doesn't care. He has a death wish. He'll take people with him if he can. 


Who wouldn't want to laugh at a recent picture of OLD BLUBBER LIP? 

Here he is, on his latest bla-bla-blog ABOUT ME page. He's proud of being the ugliest loser in Badhoevedorp:

HANS THE LIAR is up to his usual boring antics in the OBSCURE SHOUTBOX he lives in. He's telling everyone he BUYS music JUST to post there. Ha ha ho ho hee hee.

This is the same CHEAP DUTCHMAN who constantly whines, "Won't some NICE person upload this box set? I don't want to pay for it" and "Somebody must have this song. I don't want to pay iTunes for it." 

Here's Hans talking to himself. He and his MONKEY are having a nice conversation about how generous he is, and how (repeating THE BIG LIE again) he can't listen to music but HE BUYS MUSIC JUST TO POST for a few strangers in a shoutbox. 

He posts to strangers hoping he'll get a PM and a chance to exchange some gay porn? Is THAT it?

On his latest boring blog Hans is posting his creamcheese music BUT you know DEMENTED HANS DEVENTE. He is BAD SANTA, so you better hurry for his 10 Day link or it is DELETED.

You also better type in his PASSWORD which is his nickname HANS. He could use one of his other nicknames like UNIT, DOUG, JAN, TINNITUS, DIVERTICULITIS, DELLAERTLAAN ASSHOLE or DEFECTIVE BRAINSTEM 

He loves his MELLOW music just like he loves the mellow taste of semen in his mouth. He butters his lips before he gives blowjobs just to make sure the incoming load is like fine Dutch cheese. 

Meanwhile, stealing music from EXYSTENCE website as usual. Why is it he is SO RICH he can buy DOZENS of Japanese imports to give away but he still STEALS from other sites? Could it be that he does NOT buy ANYTHING and is the CHEAPEST DUTCHMAN in ALL OF HOLLAND?

One reason that even newcomers LOATHE this blubber-lip load of Gouda is that he's so nasty and obnoxious. Instead of just giving away music like everyone else, he parses it out. He'll give the GOODIES one day at a time. MAYBE. IF he gets NICE comments. 

Got that? He'll be giving away his GOODIES but NOT SO FAST: "i will ration them to one a day" unless he can get NICE comments, or write them himself using his other shoutbox aliases.

What a loser. He claims he's dying and THIS is what he does with his remaining days on earth? Yeah, he's BUYING music to give away — and a minute later he's screaming that he wants people to donate to help pay for his Rapidgator account.

What a drama queen. No wonder people wish SHE would just drop dead already. 

Next gift for the shoutbox? The Knickerbockers singing "LIES." 

Friday, September 20, 2019


The last posts of "UNIT." 

Being the "UNIT" with his "measure my unit" gmail was just a bit too obvious and gay. "HANS" also realized his latest fake name was pissing everyone in the shoutbox off, BIG time. 

Who else in the shoutbox posted as much off-topic whining as "UNIT?" This included his recent crying about local Holland deaths. (Wasn't "UNIT" from PALM SPRINGS? Guess not). 

Yes, let's all feel sorry for "UNIT," because he's lying in bed, unable to post more free music, and can only moan and groan about how sensitive he is to local news. Nobody else does this sympathy shit all the time.

"UNIT" kept sobbing about how sick he is, and how he is lying in bed using the computer BUT too feeble to post anything. Maybe. Maybe not. 

SAINT HANS the MARTYR crawled out of his sick bed (where he's reading shoutbox posts) and miraculously uploads music less than an hour later. 

"UNIT" was unbelievable with his crying for attention and his lies. He had to go, just like DOUG and JAN and the zillion other aliases that pissed people off.

Hans cut off his "UNIT" and as he has done before, he's declared he's really HANS DEVENTE, after all, and that it's his REAL NAME.

"this is the name I was born with in 1946...."

ANOTHER LIE. He is too senile to remember how often he told the world "I am SAKE JOHANNES DEVENTE." When his email was first hacked over a decade ago this was found out. No secret at all.  Hackers can do anything including see what goes on in a dinky free shoutbox or in a private forum. If that wasn't the case, so many plots from ISIS and thug gangs and all sorts of criminals would not be foiled. The jerks of the world are all under surveillance even if they think they are clever. 

Posting with his real name might draw even more attention to the shoutbox, but Hans will take that risk. He is old, dying, and has no money. 

Perhaps BREIN or other agencies will go after others but not pull the trigger on him, since he keeps saying he's about to die. Why spend time and money jailing an asshole who could require hospital care in jail? 

He might turn snitch and offer to turn in some others instead. He's unstable, goes into rages, and turns on his friends in the shoutbox all the time.

Maybe if he spends his last days giving away crappy Buck Owens music, maybe he gets a pass. One never knows. He's not a first time offender and he is a creep. All it takes is for him to post on the wrong person maybe. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


You can always count on Johannes DeVente the Douchebag of Badhoevedorp to squat a whopper. Here's one of his latest turds-of-drama. He knows he's going to die any minute (brainstem explosion, diverticulitis blowing his asshole into Amsterdam, cancer strangling his UNIT, tinnitus causing what's left of his brain to spill out of his ears). So...he GIVES AWAY $700 box sets of MUSIC. 

How about THAT one? 

Mr. Generous. He BUYS music. He's SO MORAL he wouldn't sell a used copy on eBay! Let's recall a few of his recent posts where he was BEGGING and WHEEDLING and CURTSYING to get FREE music BECAUSE HE DIDN'T WANT TO BUY IT. BECAUSE HE CLAIMS HE HAS NO MONEY.

EVERY WEEK this asshole cries "BEFORE I SPEND..." And then asks for the free downloads. 

Why doesn't he BUY this stuff and then give it to wheelchair-bound FRIENDS of his? Or sell on eBay and donate the money to charity? You know the answer to THAT.

Here's HANS THE LIAR pretending he bought a set of jazz CDs and posted them free on his latest blog...just AFTER Zinhof posted them: 

Over and over HANS THE LIAR has been caught pretending to have bought expensive box sets and posting links AFTER they appeared at EXYSTENCE.NET and other websites. 

Remember the Great Woodstock Fraud? He kept pretending it was "on order" from eBay, and wondering why it hadn't arrived yet. He thought EXYSTENCE.NET would have it a lot sooner than they did, so he had to mark time and pretend his $700 box set was lost in the mail somehow. 

Poor Hans, some say, he's "complicated." Right. One minute he brags about how he would go "with my thieving hands" and steal record albums and put them in his backpack. Next, he's sobbing that he's too moral to re-sell a box set on eBay. 

One minute he's calling people "DEAR" (because he's SO gay) and the next, "FUCK OFF, LEECH!" 

Lastly, note that famous LIE about his TINNITUS. He says he gave away the box set because "my tinnitus precludes" enjoying music. 



He's lied over and over about how he can't listen to music because of TINNITUS, and then a day later, "Will some kind person save me from spending $70..." and "I saw this TV show and I want the soundtrack. Go hunt in your drawers and closets for the CD version and be nice and post it..." 

He sighs that he is DYING and that "I can't take it with me." Then he brags "I have over 24 external drives of music!" 

"He's complicated..." 

That's another word for DEMENTED. 


You can always count on "I Need Attention" Hans to rant and rave in an obscure Croatian shoutbox day after day. 

He's like a flea fart. He doesn't get more irrelevant. It's still AMUSING to get the reports on how this turd is circling the drain and STILL being a shit-for-brains. 

A while ago he was telling everyone "I just got back from Palm Springs..." He was once again telling everyone he spends most of his time in AMERICA. Usually he claims to BE an AMERICAN.

His latest idiot blog? Oh look, "UNIT" (another word for DICK) is in AMERICA. Look at the photo!

Yes, yes, SHOUTBOX COMPANIONS, your beloved UNIT (he once called himself PRICK IS THE NEEDLE) has a U.S. MAILBOX... near his fucking rowhouse windmill in BADHOEVEDORP? (shoutboxcompanion.blogspot is what, his 891st free blog?)

Demented Devente, the Schizoid Shit is SO convinced he's AMERICAN, he even scolds other people in the shoutbox on PROPER ENGLISH. You don't say "I'd like to order a rare album I can't find," you have to say "I'd like to REQUEST." So says Professor DeVente, who graduated from Vanderbilt University in Nashville with a degree in Hank Williams downloads. Right? Or was he Cal E. Fornia with a degree from UCLA? 

Ha ha ho ho hee hee. "FRIENDLY" advice from Demented Devente? Wait another day, GUSTAVO, and he'll tell you you're a fucking LEECH. How about this?

Read from the bottom where he's shouting "fuck off,leech" at a long-time member of the shoutbox.


UNIT (who can't get it up at 73, and could only get it up for MEN all through his mock marriage to the retarded Marieke) is always raging. Then he apologizes "sorry that was uncalled for." Sure. The Drama Queen needs constant attention, and the best way is to pick fights with people, delete links, make up diseases, and even lecture other people on etiquette! 

"I guess that english is not your first language..." That All-American JOHANNES DEVENTE tells Lorenzo. JOANNE JON JOHANNES HANS? Hell, he was born in America, lived 30 years in Palm Springs, spent a lot of time in Seattle and Nashville, was living in New York City when 9/11 happened, and...will give you a download of The Knickerbockers singing "LIES."

Monday, September 16, 2019


Whoops dear! Hansy's SLIP is showing. 

Everyone knows he likes to dress in his maid costume, spending all day with the butt plug up his ass, and coquetting at Zinhof's shoutbox. 

It's just becoming a real DRAG. His drama queen games are so pathetic. 

The latest Damsel in Distress game is to constantly whimper and fret over spending money on music. Won't some KIND PRINCE come and give poor Joan/Joannes MORE music? 24 TB drives loaded with music isn't ENOUGH for this music-slut! 

Here SHE goes again: 

Help the poor girl. After over a decade stealing music all over the Internet, she HAS to have MORE, and boyfriend LORENZO just can't give enough. Help help, YOU KIND MEN. Girly Devente would "REALLY LOVE" these two albums of simpering stupid new age limpness. 

Every day Demented Devente cries for more more more. Be sure to get the RIGHT ones. Girly Girl Devente keeps right on huffing and puffing and mincing around the windmill about this shit: 

What a BITCH. What a NAG. What a DRAG.

BLUSH? That's a GIRLY term that JOANNES loves to use. 

That's how much of a sad old fruit-basket SHE is. Want an example? 

Here's JOANNES blushing because his boyfriend JOAO asked for something, and some other GUY came to the rescue:

HUGS and BLUSHES from the FAIRY PRINCE and his favorite boyfriends ADORABLE, no? 

No. Not really. The shoutbox is full of people who can't stand Joannes and his gay games. It's all about his girlish need for ATTENTION. Like every drag queen, TOO MUCH is NOT ENOUGH.

Every day the drama queen prances in and coyly requests MORE MUSIC, throws a hissy-fit or two, and of course, exposes that cocksucking love of COWBOYS and COWBOY music.

Brokeback Devente LOVES his cowboys. 

Who wouldn't spend all day dreaming about BUCK OWENS or MERLE HAGGARD? 

JOANNES never posts music involving hot women. Carly Simon? Never.  JIM BRICKMAN is more like it. THE BEACH BOYS. If you check out all the years JOANNES has lurked in forums and on blogs, it's very obvious. He can't stand women. He married his mother, after all. Marieke DeVente is an autistic sexless idiot. She has the same sick grin on her face all day long. That's why JOANNES spends all day on the INTERNET exchanging gay porn pictures and BLUSHING over compliments. 

Oh yes, and doing drag queen pathetic jokes: 

The guy in the maid's outfit "don't do windows." His wife knows he'll DO any guy who doesn't mind a free blow job from a big, dopey looking guy with a huge lower lip. For years, Hans would disappear and drive to Amsterdam and DO any guy who couldn't afford one of the window whores. 

What did his idiot wife care? He was out of the house! 

Demented Devente has NEVER spoken about the sexy album covers from Linda Ronstadt. Only about BUCK OWENS and MERLE HAGGARD. He's NEVER quoted his moron wife as saying anything because she's just MOMMY sharing the apartment. The two of them are social lepers, a freaky odd couple. 

"Not that there's anything wrong with that." It's just that people in the shoutbox get SICK and TIRED of his call-attention DRAG QUEEN antics, his dopey dick jokes (he's "UNIT" these days, and his gmail accounts include gay gay gay ones like "measure my unit" and "lick my unit" etc. etc. 

As long as people feel sorry for this hermaphrodite, he hangs around. Hell, if he throws enough of a hissy-fit, and whines that he can't pay for his own Rapidgator account, somebody might actually fall for his crying and give him some money. What's better for a golddigging slut than to have attention AND money? 

"Let's hear it" for a sucker -- a total SUCKER -- a cock SUCKER -- who actually listened to JOANNES doing that crybaby temper tantrum act, and gave the slut some money! 

"a true friend," says JOHANNES. That's the definition of a friend as far as Demented Devente is concerned: someone who forks over MONEY. 

REALLY, JOANNES, you are a sick, demented, pathetic loser, a ridiculous crossdresser (the pubic beard only makes you look even MORE absurd) and your pandering and pantying and panting in the shoutbox is beyond even a DRAG QUEEN's over-the-top histrionics. What do you have to say for yourself? 

His FREUDIAN SLIP is showing all the time. Here's one from 2017, when he was calling himself BLOGFATHER: 

Yes, his email was FILL MY ASS WITH JUNK. Now it's Measure My Unit and Lick My Unit and he's UNIT in the shoutbox. 

Not TOO gay....

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

DEMENTED DEVENTE: Still Crazy After All These Years - A Pathetic Old Loser Nagging in a Shoutbox

How to lose friends and irritate people - THE DEMENTED WAY.

Here are some recent examples on why people in the shoutbox LOATHE Hans De Vente, and wish he would REALLY have a stroke and drop dead. 

He's simply too obnoxious and TOO CRAZY. Aside from his mammoth lies and his constant deleting, he's simply a JERK. 

Nobody else in the shoutbox teases, makes bad jokes, and BORES EVERYONE like he does.

Nobody else posts blind links that make you GUESS what the FUCK he's posting. Some of the links are to other blogs where there's a photo of the album cover or something. Or he shows you the blog where it's a Rapidgator link, unlike his stolen 10 day (better hurry) link.

Nobody else writes "SOON COME" like you're supposed to click and care. 

Nobody else writes "when two of my favorites meet" click and discover this impotent old man is sobbing over JIM BRICKMAN new wave crap and THE CARPENTERS. Anyone still doubt that he had a sexless marriage to his autistic simple-minded MOMMY, and drove out to Amsterdam from Badhoevedorp to pick up men he met online? 

Here's HANSY PANSY opening and closing blogs, another boring, boring obsession of his. LINK to my BLOG, LINK to my BLOG. Whoops, look at what happened. HE DELETED THEM: 

More of why HANS DE VENTE the demented DUTCHMAN is loathed.  Here is the diapered old pest whining and whining for MONKEES music. 

Wait, doesn't he have TINNITIS and can't bear to listen to music anymore? Why is he calling attention to himself and crying not once but TWICE, repeating his DEMAND for MONKEES music?

How much of that shit can anyone stand? Doesn't everyone HAVE all the MONKEES music they could ever want? 

Does anybody whine and REPEAT their demand? Sure. HANS does. ALL THE TIME. He's waiting for a nice DADDY to reward him for his whining and bitching

People do get tired of this asshole. 

Here's a shoutbox member telling the truth about what kind of NICE guy Demented Devente actually is: 

Hans LOVES it when he's abused. Below, he gets off one of his trademark brilliantly witty remarks on BRXT: "brexit, what is your real name?boris johnson?"

Gosh, HANSY PANSY spent hours coming up with that one.

He was monopolizing the shoutbox with his usual wheezing and teasing, being the BAD SANTA sadist that he is

He teases "coming up,the greatest band ever,with one of the greatest songs ever..." 

Who could it be? Why is this obnoxious, wheedling, moronic Dutchman ALWAYS playing games?  Oh, he's talking about MOBY GRAPE? Moby FUCKING Grape? This 73 year-old moron is banging the drum and screaming coming up,the greatest band ever,with one of the greatest songs ever" about MOBY GRAPE? 

That's HANSY PANSY. He's the most boring LOSER on the planet. Even by the low standards of cheap Dutchmen and the retarded spawn of Amsterdam-window whores, SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE is truly DEMENTED. 

He'd want the last word, because he's such a pompous, Mussolini-lipped megalomaniac BLOGFATHER. Go for it, UNIT:

DEMENTED DEVENTE LIES ABOUT 9/11 AGAIN. Says he won't make another blog...MAKES ANOTHER BLOG

People are tired of SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE, aka HANS DEVENTE, aka UNIT, aka DOUG, aka CAL E. FORNIA, etc. etc.

Here are his antics from September 2nd, when he posts garbage nobody wants or needs ("the complete Hank Williams 10 cd" like anyone doesn't have it by now if they want it, and will EVER have the time to wade through all that hillbilly whining). 

He also does his usual sadistic "mystery" link. Here's a link for "here there and everywhere." YOU figure out what he means. YOU waste your time when it turns out to be shit you don't care about. 

Why doesn't he SAY what the links are? Because he's a childish, game-playing sadistic load of Gouda. He is a SICKO. 

Lastly, he's back to deleting his links because nobody cared about them. He sees that he gets maybe 10 hits, and NO nice comments, so he takes his GOODIES away, and then blames The Deleter.

Here's DEMENTED DEVENTE, the "BAD SANTA" who puts a time limit on his GOODIES:

That's September 2, a busy day for DEMENTED DEVENTE. What's that phrase?


He does this all the time. HE DELETES HIMSELF ALL THE TIME. If somebody else posts something, and he doesn't like the person, or he wishes he'd post it first, HE DELETES THAT, TOO.

The SAME DAY as "it will be deleted forever" the whirling dervish of dipshit demented dung is at it again, crying "it will be deleted in a day, never to return again."

What a NICE man. He was always doing this: "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" was his stock answer if somebody wanted a re-up, or asked "why don't you answer me, I just want to know the bit-rate." No, THE BLOGFATHER calls the shots. 

Did you read that last childish, familiar LIE? 


How long do you think it took him to start ANOTHER blog? Less than a week. 

Oh, oh, SEPTEMBER 11 is coming up, the date that HANS THE LIAR always uses to call sympathy to himself and LIE about being in New York City and running for his life when the towers fell. 

Ta-da. ANOTHER BLOG. Hans, the dirtbag cheap Dutch Douche, pretending he's an American patriot. 

Oh, and lookie lookie, more GOODIES. He's posting a complete discography of Apple releases, including Badfinger and James Taylor and the rest. 

Ha ha ha, OH that HANSY PANSY sense of humor: "apple, not the computer." 

Want some more of HILARIOUS HANSY PANSY? Somebody joined the shoutbox and used the name Blotto. Hansy couldn't RESIST this:

"are you blotto, hahaha." 

Hans is surprised that nobody responds to his obnoxious jokes and his witless remarks? 

Here's HANSY PANSY, who insisted he would NEVER GET ANOTHER FREE BLOG AGAIN, also declaring he will NEVER POST AGAIN:

There he is, once again admitting he steals from other blogs (they should be happy to get a NICE comment, instead of the Rapidgator money that drives them to post music). He once again teases about not posting anymore. He once again proves why he's such a detested LOSER.

The only reason he hangs around the shoutbox is that English is a second language for senile asshole Zinhof, and he is too dizzy to care what goes on. 

What goes on? Sometimes HANSY PANSY gets some spit hurled his way, but he LOVES it, because it makes him the Queen of the Ballroom, and he can sass back and mince around and flutter his eyelashes and wiggle his fat hips and give everyone the finger.