Friday, September 20, 2019


The last posts of "UNIT." 

Being the "UNIT" with his "measure my unit" gmail was just a bit too obvious and gay. "HANS" also realized his latest fake name was pissing everyone in the shoutbox off, BIG time. 

Who else in the shoutbox posted as much off-topic whining as "UNIT?" This included his recent crying about local Holland deaths. (Wasn't "UNIT" from PALM SPRINGS? Guess not). 

Yes, let's all feel sorry for "UNIT," because he's lying in bed, unable to post more free music, and can only moan and groan about how sensitive he is to local news. Nobody else does this sympathy shit all the time.

"UNIT" kept sobbing about how sick he is, and how he is lying in bed using the computer BUT too feeble to post anything. Maybe. Maybe not. 

SAINT HANS the MARTYR crawled out of his sick bed (where he's reading shoutbox posts) and miraculously uploads music less than an hour later. 

"UNIT" was unbelievable with his crying for attention and his lies. He had to go, just like DOUG and JAN and the zillion other aliases that pissed people off.

Hans cut off his "UNIT" and as he has done before, he's declared he's really HANS DEVENTE, after all, and that it's his REAL NAME.

"this is the name I was born with in 1946...."

ANOTHER LIE. He is too senile to remember how often he told the world "I am SAKE JOHANNES DEVENTE." When his email was first hacked over a decade ago this was found out. No secret at all.  Hackers can do anything including see what goes on in a dinky free shoutbox or in a private forum. If that wasn't the case, so many plots from ISIS and thug gangs and all sorts of criminals would not be foiled. The jerks of the world are all under surveillance even if they think they are clever. 

Posting with his real name might draw even more attention to the shoutbox, but Hans will take that risk. He is old, dying, and has no money. 

Perhaps BREIN or other agencies will go after others but not pull the trigger on him, since he keeps saying he's about to die. Why spend time and money jailing an asshole who could require hospital care in jail? 

He might turn snitch and offer to turn in some others instead. He's unstable, goes into rages, and turns on his friends in the shoutbox all the time.

Maybe if he spends his last days giving away crappy Buck Owens music, maybe he gets a pass. One never knows. He's not a first time offender and he is a creep. All it takes is for him to post on the wrong person maybe. 

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