Sunday, October 13, 2019

Demented Hans Devente - A PATHETIC BORING LOSER

Anyone more pathetic than Hans DeVente, aka Sake Johannas DeVente? 

He has no life except to stink up a shoutbox, make endless blogs, and toss Hank Williams crap all over Canna and other obscure websites that are the equivalent of bus station toilets. 

75 (or older) and acting like he's 7. He posts pictures of his John Deere toys, and his hard drives, and lookie-lookie, he has a COMPUTER. Wowie Zowie. 

Some people feel sorry for such a useless wretch. He has no life and he tells outrageous lies to get attention. Take pity on the sad old homo who cries "prettyplease" begging for music he doesn't need. Listen to his endless cries about going to the hospital, and his wife falling down stairs, and how he just got back from Palm Springs. Boring. Boring. Boring. 

His tedious postings show he's dead from the neck up, dead from the waist down, and is just some kind of ugly Dutch Zombie. He lives in a sad row house, sucks the Government Teat, and lives with an autistic idiot who hasn't had sex with him in 40 years. He wishes he wasn't living in a flat boring country where the sky is usually as gray as his pubes. 

Zzzzzz. Some of his typical drivel, babbling about going to the hospital (again) and blubbering about how he CRIES and CRIES and CRIES watching shit TV shows about the American cowboys he wishes would come all over his blubbery lips :

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