Monday, October 7, 2019

Demented Devente - More Lies and Effeminacy from the VERY Old Cheap Dutchman

Hans and his boyfriends don't like the other people in Zinhof's Shoutbox. This is because the others are heterosexual. They like ROCK music. 

Here's Hans and his boyfriend debating whether anyone in the Shoutbox "DESERVES" the latest uploads. No, let's keep it a big SECRET. Let's hold an elaborate conversation about it in the shoutbox and then NOT give the links. Ha HA!

No wonder the heterosexual Hairbag asks what the HELL is going on. Read it from the BOTTOM up. You know, the way homos like Hansy like it. 

Joao is the greasy, well-known anus-nibbler from South of the Loony Bin, the one who can only snivel about wanting more oozing sleaze from the Dutch asshole, and politely ending the requests with "Best Regards." Hans? We all know he dresses up like a school girl, or wears diapers, when he nestles down for his shoutbox games. He shuts the door because wifey is so sick of looking at him. 

Here's HANSY, aka JOAN/JOANNA, squealing with delight over getting yet MORE music, as if 24 external drives of crap isn't enough. As if he doesn't have tinnitus and can't hear anything (or is that just a lie?) 

YESYESYESYES -- and his catch-phrase PRETTY PLEASE.

Ask yourself when was the last time you heard a REAL MAN say PRETTY PLEASE.

yesyesyes pretty please do you have them? 

Who talks like that? Sake Johannes DeVente aka JOAN/JOANNE/JAN, who has also even used his wife's name in the Shoutbox. 

Demented Devente is suffering from dementia as well as effeminacy. He's still pretending he buys music. Nope. Never has. This is the guy who boasted on blogs about how he literally stole record albums "with my thieving hands" including a real prize, the Phil Spector Christmas album. 

How many time as HANS THE LIAR claimed that he buys tons of music to give away, including $700 for the Rhino Woodstock set, only to squeal, scream, stamp his feet, and sob like a little girl because "some nice person" should be "kind" to him, and send him a link for a song because "it would be $1.29 on iTunes." 

Cheap Dutchman Hans DeVente aka Sake Johannes DeVente is a penny pincher in the extreme. He threw a fit recently demanding people pay for HIS Rapidgator account! His excuse was that he downloads crap and then uploads it to his endless blogs.  

Here's Hans pretending he wastes money on a "crazy hobby." 

Hans can't keep track of all his lies. This includes lies about deleting his music (after screaming "it will be deleted in 3 days hurry") and about deleting his blogs all the time. He can't even keep track of how many times he's lied about being in a hospital or being so tormented by tinnitus "i can only give away the music i can not listen anymore." 

Hans is not only a cheap Dutchman, he is a stupid one. He might be the stupidest sub-human double-ugly blubber-lipped clod in Badhoevedorp.  He's tripped up by his OWN posts under his OWN name. All his lies and neurotic games are exposed because he's so obviously DEMENTED.

There probably isn't anyone more ludicrous in person: a big dumbass with that pubic beard, who acts and TALKS like a little girl. Yes, he has a very high-pitched voice. 

Meanwhile poor Miss Lonely keeps deleting his crap and then coyly asking if people want to play more games with him and beg him for re-ups:

 He's 75 (he used to claim to be 73, born in 1946. He's lied about EVERYTHING). He acts like a seven year old. A seven year old GIRL.Joan/Joanne/Jan will cry, lie, throw hissy-fits, and do anything and everything for attention.

What he needs is the attention of an undertaker.  He's dead from the neck up, dead below the waist, and might as well be walled up in an above-ground tomb. That way he might serve some kind of purpose as part of a Dutch dam. Keep some sea water out of Holland by putting The Dutch Douche in a dam above-ground mausoleum.

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