Monday, October 14, 2019

Demented Hans DeVente has a DEATH WISH - and everyone wishes he would DIE ALREADY

Here's Demented Devente babbling about how he plans to be buried at sea. 

Who would bother hauling his smelly old carcass on a boat when there's a MOAT near his dumpy apartment? That's all he's worth. DUMP his useless body and piss in the water afterward. 

Since he's been such a pain in the ass all these years, it's likely that when he finally croaks from a stroke, a heart attack, or a brain tumor, the doctors will open his yap and piss down his throat JUST to make sure he really is dead. Or JUST FOR LAUGHS. 

Then they'll drag him out in a body bag, hire a garbage truck, and bring him to this MOAT where the Grim Reaper will be ringing a final DEATH KNELL. 

Maybe his boyfriend JOAO will toss a few flowers or used condoms into the water? We all know THAT pathetic greasy old twig. He's the one who likes to SKYJUMP into mens rooms and bob for turds. 

Funny that whenever HANS soils the shitbox, SKYJUMP is right there to sniff the air. Meanwhile others laugh at his whining and his babbling, and all HANS can do is say "get a dead." Clever HANS. Most everyone wishes he would stop pretending to be dying, and in the hospital, and lying on his death bed, and CROAK ALREADY. The MOAT IS WAITING. 

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