Monday, August 19, 2019


Here’s an oldie but a goodie: HANS DE VENTE invoking the GOLDEN RULE. 


Only with the bearded leech, who was already "on the government teat." He had nothing else to do but try to gain revenge on SONY and fuck over anyone trying to make a living selling music. HIS motto was really DO UNTO OTHERS. 

Oh yes, and even fuck over other bloggers. He had to be BLOGFATHER. He had to boast "MY BLOG CAN BEAT YOUR BLOG." 

The Demented Dutch Douche also insisted he was in AMERICA: "Cal Harmony" from CALIFORNIA. He was off his rocker 13 years ago and now totally DEMENTED. 

He was the first to create HATE blogs to "GET" people who were his competition. He'd add all the contact information he could find. Typical of his "LOL" snickering sadism: 

DO UNTO OTHERS? "Champaloux is a cunt...LOL." 

He's been doing the same shit  all through the years, and as JAN in Zinhof's shoutbox, insulting music others ask for (he'll give it to them anyway, because he's SO nice) and then cursing at RYP from the "Ride Your Pony" blog and also at EXYSTENCE: 

creating chaos in forums and shoutboxes, putting up hate blogs (sometimes, just to get pity for himself, ON himself). 

DO UNTO OTHERS? Like, stealing downloads from because he's a brat, a sadist, a thief and only interested in being Mr. Big? 

DO UNTO OTHERS? Since 2006, Hans De Vente was stealing music off other bloggers, and then either sneering "MY BLOG CAN BEAT YOUR BLOG" or sobbing to his "fans" that all he was doing was giving away music, so he cares WHERE he got it from? 

Here he is, making his usual stupid jokes ("Mamas and the Papas" are our PARENTS. ha ha) and growling because he's making up the rules and others don't like it. No no, HE didn't steal the music from "you know who" and the "ruckus" over Hans stealing the music was just because some Lord Voldemort doesn't love Hansy's GENEROSITY. 

And no no, that Mamas and Papas album is out of print. Except it was re-issued as a box set. But who cares as long as you get it free! DO UNTO OTHERS! This from the guy who boasted about his "Wall of Tapes" that he would NEVER give away, and who regularly yelled "if you do not thank me no more GOODIES." 

Nasty. Selfish. Fired from every job he ever had. Unable to get along with anyone in the real world. Married to a simple-minded autistic who could only grin like an idiot. He sobbed and wrote "BLOGGING SAVED MY LIFE." It gave him something to do: be an arrogant prick, and always have a few dopes say "he's giving us music" so that's a good alibi.
DO UNTO OTHERS? Sure, Hans De Vente, DO NASTY THINGS TO OTHERS. Then claim to be innocent, "a good man," and misunderstood. 

Sine 2006, Demented Devente, "on the government teat," has committed grand larceny against the musicians he claims to love, and while record store owners go hungry, HE waddles over to Applebees and has "a fine dinner." While people in record company offices are laid off, and workers at CD factories are laid off, and royalties to needy indie labels and artists are taken away, HE buys JOHN DEERE toys for his windmill.

Yes, keep them in the boxes.

That way he might sell them on eBay IF the price is right. Then he can gorge on better quality gouda, and get some sandpaper to shine his wooden shoes. (He IS a CHEAP DUTCHMAN, and not from America as he always claims. "I am in Palm Springs!")

What do you suppose he would’ve said if he was a working at a printing plant making CD booklets? If he had a company that made the plastic cases for CDs? If he owned a record shop? It probably wouldn't be "Go ahead, steal all the music, and put me out of work. I'll go to the Badhoevedorp Victoria's Secret and sell knickers to old biddies like my senile wife." 

Say no to WAR, unless you're WARRING with other bloggers, stealing their downloads, and deleting their links. 

"And remember the Golden Rule," as long as it doesn't apply to YOURSELF. Just DO UNTO OTHERS. 

What if Hansy was a bootlegger? What if his occupation was to PAY for seats to concerts, bring his tape recorder, and then sell CDs mail order to people around the world who couldn’t see the show? Would he like it if a jerk bought an item and then copied it and gave it away on blogs and forums? "Hey everyone, I love music. I bought this CD but I'm getting revenge for paying a tenner. I'm giving thousands of copies away so that guy won't be able to make money. Aren't I nice? Don't you love me for it? Of course you do. I'm giving away music and you little piggies are sucking it all down. Yum! Leave me a NICE comment or I will shut my blog!" 

DO UNTO OTHERS. Be the BIG man in Zinhof's shoutbox. Let everyone know that if they see something on a blog that uses Rapidgator, just ask him and he'll download it and put it back up with YDRAY or IMAGENETZ so the original uploader doesn't make a cent. "I am on the government teat, so I don't need money! The governmenet pays for MY Rapidgator account and my JOHN DEERE toys! I love my JOHN DEERE toys!" 

Here's a typical greedhead in the shoutbox, who LOVES his Hansy, begging for a download. Hansy, looking down on him, like God on High, will grant the wish: 

What an honest man. What a "Good man." Right? 

All he wants to do is spread muuuuuusic to everyone who can't always get what they want. Just leave NICE comments and say THANK you to Johannes De Vente. Mr. GOLDEN RULE.

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