Thursday, August 22, 2019


Hans De Vente, real name Sake Johannes De Vente, always gives himself away. He is so clumsy. So stupid. 

One hilarious thing about him is his ridiculous FAKE NAMES over at Zinhof's shoutbox. (You know, the one that has very few people because he drives them away).

He goes in there with fake names (it's up to 45 now) and ALL of the betray what an impotent androgyne he is. His "marriage" is a SHAM. The wife is autistic, and had no idea all through the years, when HANS would sneak off and make it with a pick-up, do phone sex, or email pictures of naked men.

He's used androgyne names at the shoutbox, like JAN, and even girly names like MARY. His subconscious makes him give away these clues to what he's all about and what a sad, neurotic, miserable LOSER he is. 

Now, because he is 73 and he is so limp, he's called himself UNIT. That's "American slang" (so he thinks...he is hilarious with his dopey attempts to write like an American). Randy Johnson was "Big Unit," which fellow team members (who didn't have such a member) loved to use on him for a nickname. 

HANS is just a unit. He looks down and realizes that he's just a dick in this world, and at this point, a limp one. 

Demented Devente is the loudmouth at the next table.
He’s the bore at the party.
He’s the jerk who keeps calling you on the phone: “It’s me…I forgot to tell you something.” 

He's the tedious clod who says "Let me tell you a JOKE," and it's nauseatingly STUPID.

The “eye roll” doesn’t work on a pest like this.  He routinely gets told to GO AWAY in the shoutbox and in blog comments but like a stubborn baby he cries "No! I won't! You can't make me!" 

Who wants to post in the shoutbox when they have to endure Hansy's WITLESS comments? Somebody mentions they have albums from bands that played at Woodstock, and more:

Oh isn't he WITTY? Not at all. 

A few dummies will put up with anything to get a FREE DOWNLOAD of shit they will never even have time to hear.  Even they get tired of Hansy's passive-aggressive psycho games, like making people HUNT for the links, go try and find them on his latest idiot BLOG, or deal with a PASSWORD. 

An example of his arrogant attitude, his BAD SANTA style of giving things away? 

Follow Hansy, everybody. "From here" to "now here" and instead of a link to an actual download, it's a link to his stupid blog where people have to endure his corny pictures of America he GOOGLED because he didn't take them himself, and his stupid jokes. 

"MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" was his nasty attitude on his blog, and in forums, and all over the Internet. He is a friendless, obnoxious creep in real life, and is a pain in the ass online.
"Blogging Saved My Life," he sobs. Yeah, it's given him ways to steal from other bloggers, delete other bloggers, cause constant chaos and get attention for himself. "I am a GOOD man," he insists. 

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