Thursday, March 11, 2021



One thing about Piers Morgan: when he QUITS, he actually QUITS. 

He didn't turn up at the TV station in drag, calling himself BETH. 

Imagine if he gave one last report before he left. THIS ONE: 

Hansy Pansy is, of course, a total ASSHOLE and LIAR. Since nobody with a brain likes him, or is so morally bankrupt as to need his drivel downloads (oooh ooh, MIKE LOVE), he has to INVENT new identities to defend himself. How many times has somebody NEW emerged in the shoutbox JUST to say "Leave Hans alone..." What a BORE. That's you, Hans, aka BROWNSHOES, among other aliases.

Oh, if BROWNSHOES is actually one of Hansy Pansy's simple-minded homo boyfriends, just put your BROWN nose back up Hansy's ugly, festering ass, and let him play his own games.

Hansy Pansy's bag of stale tricks includes pretending his new identity isn't him ("My name is Wilson, it was taken so I became Wilsun") and, when things get too hot, turning into his drag-queen slavey personality and crying out, "I will do it for you" and "I will get you the complete Beatles" as if he's SUCH a nice guy. This trick works over and over, as a few dopes blink and think, golly, Hansy Pansy is a real box o' chocolates, he's gonna give me the complete Beatles, like I couldn't find THAT STUFF anywhere else! What else can he gimme gimme gimme???

How about something from the "Wall of Tapes?" Hansy LOVES to show pictures of his "WALL OF TAPES," but like the true nasty little monster he is, he teases about what he owns and NEVER shares ANY of it. If it's something that actually IS hard to find, HE won't SHARE IT. Oh, ps, Hansy the Liar recently said he no longer has a Rapidgator account because he's tired of ripping off GREEN and others without getting PAYPAL donations to help him pay the monthly fee. Oooh, what a SHARER. As if he doesn't have several brand new computers (MAC and PC) and gets so much in government checks, he can afford to buy (and never even open) endless JOHN DEERE toys! 

Yeah yeah, he's giving away somebody else's Beatles collection from Rapidgator. Big deal. One reason why there are so many blogs on this jerk, and so many complaints at the Shoutbox and elsewhere, is to try and WARN people...YOU'LL BE SORRY. Many an admin, many a music lover, has found his name, address or photos on one of Hansy's hate blogs (he invented them). Many have discovered their downloads constantly deleted. Many have been embarrassed to receive unwanted gay porn photos as "revenge" because Paranoid Hans decided "you are my enemy." Too bad some gullible dimwits have to learn the hard way.

Somebody is so delighted when Hansy gives them some drivel download? Wait till next time, when a worshipful "Dear Hans..." request gets a sneering reply: "I'm in bed." Or "I don't have that." Or a scream "Nobody gives me a Paypal donation!" SUCH a nice guy. 

Part of Hansy's sad pathology is he's never satisfied. If he's conned one or two people, they mean shit to him, because he sees a bunch of others that aren't paying attention. 

When things get really bad, Hansy Pansy plays the childish game of threatening to kill himself, or declaring he's about to die.

His latest convenient lie? He's invented yet ANOTHER condition for himself to cop out and disappear till the heat is off. You remember his DIVERTICULITIS, and his TINNITUS, and his claim of having COVID-19, and his claim of having a BRAIN TUMOR, and his claim of having LEUKEMIA. Well, what is it NOW, Hansy Pansy? 

Notice that Hansy Pansy always gives himself an out? No matter how DIRE his latest LIE is, he will tell you that he'll be ba-a-a-a-ck. Today's LIE is that it's his HEART. Oh dear dear dear, he's invented a heart condition that will conveniently keep him away for just a week or so. Before he goes (not dies, just hides in his Badhoevedorp boredom-row house on GOVERNMENT money) he'll upload Beatles crap for NICE PEOPLE and then waddle over to the hospital:

Got that? WILSUN, who insisted his real name was WILSON, now admits he's HANS, and now it's off to the new lie: he needs an ANGIOPLASTY. No, no, he needs a HANS-HANDS-PLASTY...his fucking lying hands glued together so he can't pester people with his childish games anymore.

Now let's look back on a few of the NICE MAN's parting shots. There are SO many, let's just PICK TWO. Here are some fine examples of how Mr. Sweetie can turn and how his true, nasty, ugly, vindictive, nasty self. This one, from one of his endless BLOGS, directed at the shoutbox: 

And lastly, here's one of his dozens upon dozens of FAREWELLS (almost all with a sad, sad sunset picture) in which he declares that he can't listen to music, his health is bad, people are mean to him, and so he's NEVER COMING BACK.

Oh well. A useless boring jerk who has been a liar and a thief all his life, a total incompetent who could never hold a job for long, now a dull game-playing juvenile delinquent who is over's TOO LATE to say "GET A LIFE HANS." Besides, as he's said on so many blogs, he's ready to kill himself, ready for that operation to fail and his heart or his brainstem stops or....ready to COME BACK in a little while and keep being a useless overgrown brat.


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