Tuesday, March 9, 2021


Notice how Demented Devente feebly answers his critics by saying everything posted about him is just a lie? 

So here he is, crawling back into Zinhof's shoutbox when he said he'd NEVER return, and LYING about who he REALLY is. Yes, Hansy Pansy caught in yet another pathetic Little Boy Lie.

Oooh ooh, he's NOT "HANS" Devente (aka Sake Johannes DeVente...his "Hans Devente" name being a constant lie all these years). He's WILSON. Not the dreaded "HANSZUN." He told everyone in the shoutbox the truth, right:

He's got his wish. He's ba-a-a-a-a-ck causing chaos and clutter, and being THE CENTER OF ATTENTION. The schizoid Man/Woman (remember him as BETH and LEGS etc. etc.) seems to want everyone to boycott the shoutbox and stop competing with his crap downloads. 

Is that the goal for this pathetic old limpdick who is obsessed with annoying everyone at the shoutbox he was once ruling? Who really knows. Maybe he is so insane from his brain cells rotting, and his "exploded brain stem," and being on life support in the hospital all the time, and having diverticulitis, and suffering from coronavirus but being cured within a few days, and oh yes, the TINNITUS....he has no idea what the fuck he's doing. All he knows is he can be a pest in a shoutbox and get new identities all the time, and maybe get David and a few others to walk away so HE can be QUEEN again. 

....a jerk with a 15 year record of deletions, distractions, hacking of forums, LYING,  calling black people like Miles Davis "SHIT" and Simon and Garfunkel merely "two Jewish boys" and hating women. Lies? Check some of the older blogs about "HANS" like HANSZUNSHUN, and see that he's been obnoxious all along.

He invented the hate blog. He invented bullying. He called himself BLOGFATHER and AYATOLLAH. He asked his dopey "fans" to find out information on his "enemies" and "GET THEM." He posted contact information on anyone his paranoid fantasies considered a rival. He's one dizzy demented old limp dick, who half the time will LIE can tell people "I lived in Palm Springs for 30 years." No, he's been on the government teat living in a dry, boring rowhouse with an attic full of John Deere toys and DVDs the "poor man" somehow bought and never bothered to watch. ("Will some kind person pay attention to me, and upload MORE crap that I really don't need or want...I want ATTENTION.") 

What about "HANS" getting fired on his birthday by SONY? He mentioned it on several blogs, and gosh, what a surprise. Was it because he was too incompetent to even be a janitor? Was it because he hoodwinked Andy Partridge of XTC and some dope from TALKING HEADS into letting him tag along everywhere and pretend that he could get them international deals in return?  

Hans DeVente was crazy before he was even "THE BLOGFATHER." He got on Usenet back around 2006 and quickly began to bully and insult people. He was using his SONY email address to make himself seem important. He was pulling the cunning stunt of yelling and screaming at people and demanding favors, and then mewling an apology when it seemed he was going to be suspended. 

"One of those days..." that's been going on forever, with hundreds of blogs and aliases and a ton of LIES.  Sprinkled in, there's always been hypocrticial sanctimonious words of wisdom from the Great Man, like THIS but of profundity, posted when he got his first blog and began to scream "MY BLOG CAN BEAT YOUR BLOG." 

People wonder why SONY fired "HANS" DeVente? Really? He was using the company's e-mail for monkey business on the Internet. This included fighting and cursing at other Usenet people, and embarrassingly calling himself "The Mad Taper" while using SONY credentials to get free tickets and then BOOTLEGGING the shows. It got back to SONY that "HANS" was inviting himself into the offices of publicists and managers and then STEALING records. (There was a blog post where "HANS" admitted he grabbed a then-rare Phil Spector Christmas album "with my thieving hands" and stowed it in his backpack!). He'd go backstage and eat the band's food and invite himself to tag along to post-show parties...confident that saying he worked for SONY would be enough to fool everyone into thinking he was important. 

FIRED. OUT. DON'T COME BACK WITH A FAKE NAME. YOU ARE A LIAR AND A CREEP. Somehow, nobody at SONY came to his defense saying "Hans is misunderstood," or "Hans is a good egg." Or "Stealing, mooching free dinners, conning artists into thinking he's important, lying to get free tickets...it's ALL good. I can't believe he did anything WRONG." 

 This is the shameless liar who tells the world his wife "fell downstairs" (every other month) and posted links to his endless "suicide blogs" where he alarmed the very few people who thought he was a "good egg" by declaring that if nobody heard anything in a few days, it was because he KILLED HIMSELF. But why go on telling the truth when this idiot can waltz into a shoutbox, claim he's WILSON, and that everybody LIES about him for no reason at all. He's such an innocent little boy. Girl. Whatever. 

Does Zinhof run the shoutbox or does "WILSUN?" 

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