Saturday, August 29, 2020


After cursing people and being a drama queen as bmx, as legs, as Beth...etc. etc. and EVERY time saying "I'm NOT HANS," here comes HANS again. 

Like David Berkowitz and Mark David Chapman, the two men most closely like himself, Sake Johannes De Vente is "born again." No longer the deranged maniac assuming different identities and making threats, and cursing people and deleting posts and being evil, he is REALHANS, pure of heart, and sobbing "blessed day!" to everyone.

Oh no apology of course. No: "Sorry I was such an asshole all last week with my homicidal drag queen identities BETH and LEGS, and the other three identities..." Just HERE I AM, the Disciple of Jesus, doing what Jesus would do -- steal music to be loved by strange men! 

BLESSED DAY EVERYONE. REALHANS is here with synthpop music! JOY TO THE WORLD. Soon it'll be that New Age shit from Windham Hill again, and more HANK WILLIAMS and of course anything he can swipe from other bloggers.

blessed day,everyone. 

He's REBORN. NEW IDENTITY. He's not going to start setting down rules, cursing everyone, deleting his rivals, or playing control-freak games or sobbing over his thousand ailments and how he's dying, and has tinnitus, and has a brain like rotten gouda which makes him forget his REAL name all the time and makes him post with so many idiotic typos. 

He had SO much fun with all his schizo identities and pissing people off and playing with his drag costumes...just one example...

Ha ha ha. Trick or treat. What a tease. What a cutie: "yes I am Hans,but not THAT Hans..." Ha ha ha.

What did he do on August 27th? He got himself a fresh alias, and suddenly bmx, legs, Beth disappeared and here's...REAL HANS. Oh JOY to the WORLD. Mr. Trick or Treat Sex Change Loony is now going to give away GOODIES under his REAL NAME. Pay attention, everyone.

It's the same old California shit as usual -- from the guy who, as Beth, insisted that SHE winters in Palm Springs every year. Lahh deeeeeee dahhh. Oh yes, and back to stealing from Green's website

Isn't that lovely? At least one moron thinks so:

Yes, everyone appreciates the GENEROSITY of Hanzie Hitler...until he lashes back: "I want paypal donations" until he lashes back "Fuck you!" until he lashes back "I hope you die of AIDS with EBOLA!" until he lashes back "my way or the highway" and starts screaming at everyone for asking him a question, asking for an upload, or doing something else that suddenly gets his half-rotted brain to go into full-paranoia mode with irrational anger and...of course...deletions on whoever he decides he doesn't like.

Meanwhile, everyone can enjoy this lovely sense of humor. Here he is, REALHANS, already getting pissy in his knickers. He is already making rules of what he WILL and WILL NOT do, and creating his usual Drama Queen antics: 

It's ok, as long as he can bribe people into liking him by stealing from somebody else: 

Hanzie Hitler lies and lies so often, and creates so many schizo new names for himself, he can't keep track of the truth. He's said, time and again, that he was hatched in 1946. NOW he's claiming he's 77 (born during the war!) 

Really, REAL HANS, you were born in 1943? Back when your mommy was servicing all those Nazi soldiers? Tell us, Hanzie Hitler, was your mother a whore or a slut? Was she a slut giving it away for free (the way you give away music) or, being a Cheap Dutch Bitch, did your mother CHARGE money, like the many times you stormed out of Zinhof's shoutbox after DEMANDING that people donate and send you money via Paypal for ALL you've done? 

Of course either way, Hanzie Hitler's father was not happy with this, and as Hanzie has sobbed countless times, "My father beat me." Probably because his father couldn't be sure if the child was his or the spawn of a Nazi soldier having a Dutch treat with Mrs. DeVente. 

Poor Hans. The REALHANS is a really such a fat, ugly, pig-faced brain-rotting LOSER. He tells the world he's deteriorating rapidly: 

Soon he will be in a ward with tubing down his throat and up his ass, NO computer, NO external drives, NO drag wardrobe, NO NOTHING except month after month of PURGATORY. All he can look back on is being a pain in the ass on the Internet for nearly 20 years, and having an autographed CD from "talking heads, friends of me" except no signature from David Byrne on it. That John Deere toy collection will be given away to charity, enjoyed by a REAL CHILD aged 12, not an overgrown old fart who acts like a spoiled brat and lives a schizoid life of being a pig, acting out with tantrums, flirting like a drag queen, and being scorned as a total LOSER. 

REALHANS, you can't put lipstick on a pig.

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