BRAIN-DAMAGED (if not BRAIN DEAD) HANZIE seems to rise from his coffin in Badhoevedorp with ONE thing on his gouda-scented mind: "Create New Blog..."
OOF....featuring the same boring, boring, shopworn GARBAGE nobody wants or needs. This is beyond the dung-beetle lifestyle of downloading and downloading and never LISTENING, just to HAVE EVERYTHING.
"Say something nice about Hans" an old forum moderator once suggested. If this asshole can STOP making BLOGS, it would sure be a sign that he understands that he's the Sisyphus of Stupidity and it would be better to stumble outside and TRY to engage with REAL PEOPLE.
So far...
What's "NEW" in the world of HANS OLD? OLD JOHANNES? The
blubber-lipped limp-dick shows no life beyond annoying strangers
online and trying to get attention.
shut down another blog, opened another (CREATE NEW BLOG...CREATE NEW BLOG...), and shut that one, too.
Monotony. Brain damage. He's like some Alzheimers patient who keeps
repeating, farting, repeating, and farting. Time to make a NEW blog.
Gotta make a NEW blog. Duhhhh....
other sad pastime is being a pest at Senile Zinhof's little sandbox,
where if a few dozen people bother to download a Kinks album or Pink
Floyd album everyone already has, it's a BIG DEAL.
he offers -- SHIT. Cow shit. Bull shit. COUNTRY music nobody wants.
Does "DEMENTIA DEVENTE" care that NOBODY wants the same old Merle
Haggard garbage? Nope. Cowboy Cocksucker rides in telling everyone they
can get "HAG" for ten days only.
Anybody thank him? No.
and on he goes, telling people to go to his BLAH BLAH BLAH BLOG instead
of posting the "goodies" in the shoutbox like everyone else.
warning. Links will expire. BAD SANTA gives and takes. (He also LOVES
to delete files at random just to shake things up. Anything to cause
chaos, because he is such a brat and such a sado-masochist).
HANZIE wants you to know he's got some more garbage "on my blog fot a
few hours,so better git it now,click my name."
ELSE makes a big deal about their NAME, nobody else has a BLOG, and
nobody else is the kind of psycho-neurotic load of past-expiration GOUDA
What happens if somebody does NOT "click my name" in time?
HANZIE loves to call himself "a good man" and "a nice guy."
turns on you like the rabid dog he really is. Here's someone in the
shoutbox simply asking for a re-up on Gentle Giant (that's genetle
giant, or genital giant the way HANZIE spells).
of being grateful annoying even cares about stale progrock crap that's
been stinking up the Internet forums and blogs for 20 years, HANZIE goes
This is why people HATE HANS.
They get so sick of not only his irrelevant LOSER music posts of NEW
AGE drippy goo and old COUNTRY music, they soon realize he's got all the
personality of Hitler's dog:
or later, most anyone who politely engages with HANZIE, or foolishly
figures "he can't be THAT BAD," ends up with the familiar "FUCK YOU." Or
What else is HANZIE up to? Same
old SAME OLD. Here, he's once again stealing from the ITS ONLY ROCK AND
ROLL blog, and as usual these days, he's too SENILE and DEMENTIA-LOADED
to even get the link right.
Still, on
and on he goes, LINK LINK guess guess. An old mumbling fart in a
palliative care hospice makes more sense than he does.
Here he is, garbled as usual, blabbering:
have made in holland,for which I made the coverphoto, on the strictly
country label, for which I produced some albms and made a lot of cover
HUH? What the FUCK are you trying to write, English as a THIRD language, Turd boy?
His other two idiot postings? When somebody dies, he has to pretend to care: "I have some david olney, I have look tomorrow."
people can hardly wait. Except...NOBODY wrote back, "Thanks, Hans" and
"Appreciate your self-important pomposity. and how you TEASE to get
Nobody wrote back so he did NOT "have look" and post anything on Olney.
for that third item? NOBODY wanted "the carter family 12 cd box 10
days." That was more stale country horse shit from a witless clueless
senile old dope who doesn't even know he's NOT WANTED.
The late Mr. Olney wasn't the only one to get the ghoul-treatment from HANZIE. There was also Terry Jones.
HANZIE has to post about anyone who has just died. Why? He LOVES to cry
crocodile tears, usually insisting that he KNEW the dead person, "got
there autograph backsage" and "this person was a friend of me."
TERRY JONES dies, and so Pompous Dutch Douche declares "I will remember him." Gee, what a comfort to know THAT.
also mentioned that in the end, Terry had "problems speaking." HANZIE
has to feel for Terry, because HANZIE has trouble THINKING, SPEAKING and
Yes, we are all waiting for "HANS DE VENTE HAS DIED FROM DEMENTIA," hopefully before he's 77 like Jones was.
now, his DEMENTIA continues -- including his habit of cornball posts of things everyone's seen but HE posts as "and now for something completely different" Here's an old limp-dick Dutchman telling the world there's a group called Monty Python. Zzzzz. Oh yes, and one of the members, Terry Jones: "I will remember him as a genius."
"I will remember him as a
genius." And we will remember YOU as an ASSHOLE. A useless,
time-wasting, lying, thieving, vain, moronic, demented ASSHOLE.
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