Sunday, January 12, 2020

Joannes De Vente (Joanna) aka HANS DEVENTE the RACIST anti-Black hater of MILES DAVIS

You know when HANS DEVENTE posts anything about a BLACK artist or a JEWISH artist, it's to denigrate them.

It's to make fun of them. HANS of the "MASTER RACE" figures Blacks and Jews are only around to be exploited. He not only throws their music around, he calls them names.

Black people are SHIT to Hans. Simon and Garfunkel are "JEW BOYS." 

Hans DeVente, who has been on "The Government Teat" in Badhoevedorp for nearly 20 years, has nothing else to do but make blogs every other day, load them with racism and bile, and sit back and smirk about it.

He's had that same fat-faced nasty smirk since he first invaded the Internet to harass people, send death threats, and cause trouble. Remember that stinky fat face of his when he was calling himself THE BLOGFATHER? 

Now that he's calling himself 2020, with an inane new BLOGGY-BLOGGY-BLOGGY-POO (called, ha ha, how clever, twennie-twennie.blogspot) he's back to his old racist games.

He posts at the racist ZINHOF's little Croatian crust-hole, a shitbox of a shoutbox, teasing everyone with his one-liner come-ons to visit his BLOGGY-BLOGGY-BLOGGY-POO.

"Miles would SMILE." Ha ha ha.

You KNOW that Hans hates BLACKS, and only likes WHITE musicians like THE BEACH BOYS and his fabulous TALKING HEADS ("me still friend with them" he insists, in his broken English). 

So why post Miles Davis instead of his usual vanilla garbage like WINDHAM HILL and GEORGE WINSTON crap? Oh, to make fun of the BLACK MAN and call him SHIT:

Ha ha, ZINHOF, you Croatian racist, you gotta LOVE Hansy Pansy for THIS ONE? Sure you do. 

Hey everybody, get a TUB OF Miles Davis and John Coltrane, because blacks are supposed to be slaves to the superior WHITE DUTCHMAN. 

10 days on YDRAY, and you better hurry, because Hansy Pansy won't re-up unless you BEG HIM.

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