Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Hans Demented - The BORING Deleter


Hans Devente pulls his music links and his blogs just like he pulls his withered old scrotum and dick up between his legs so he can wear his knickers like a true girly-girl.  

Another blog from Demented Hans Devente deleted by himself. Again. What else is new with the senile, impotent old poof?

He was doing his usual GET THEM NOW, THEY WILL BE DELETED game:

He rarely posts anything NORMAL, like Rolling Stones albums, so you know he's going to delete them fast. That's his sadism. That's his "you need to pay attention to me to get the GOODIES." 

Hansy Pansy's real love is PANSY music. He was always romping around having gay encounters while his autistic idiot wife stayed home staring at the wall. 

His NEW blog? The HANSDEVENTER blog? It's full of his REAL joys, like his "HARD CANDY" boy-toy favorite: 

Does HANSY PANSY ever get tired of drooling over NED DOHENY? Never. His 73 year-old limp dick might not be of any use (neither is his brain) but he can at least sigh over the photo, and maybe CRY.

You know HANSY PANSY. He LOVES a good effeminate CRY. He's always posting sentimental tripe and insisting, "you'll cry when you hear it."

Like the Brokeback Mountain gay, HANSY PANSY "can't quit" the cowboys, so he keeps posting MERLE and HANK over and over and over and over and over.


What a bore. 

He asks why people in the shoutbox hate him? The answer is obvious. Most of them know him as the narcissistic blowhard who's been an asshole for over a decade. Mr. "My Blog Can Beat Your Blog." The jerk who invented the fake blog just to torment his rivals. The one who got a hacker to help him ruin the DejaVu forum. The evidence is on other blogs you can easily find. 

The NEWER people just see that he's a boring broken record, with his "I'm dying" whines, and his "I've got tinnitus" whines and his call-attention "anybody need this" games and his  tedious nattering about himself and his external drives, with photos of his computers. WHAT A DULLARD. 

The worst is that while everyone in the shoutbox posts their music there, this ASSHOLE insists on saying "link is at my BLOG." He has to have a new BLOG. Yet another BLOG. BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG. BLAH BLAH BLAH.

This latest loser blog is HANSDEVENTER and lookie lookie. He's back to the same BORING picture on the top: 

Is he fooling anyone? Maybe himself? He's had a dull, useless life. He was FIRED BY SONY ON HIS BIRTHDAY (they really HATED HIM). He had menial jobs most of his life and lied constantly to try and make himself seem big. He was a gofer, an office boy, a NOTHING at SONY but he stole credentials so he could go to free concerts and go backstage to pester rock stars for autographs. 

His "proudest" moments are having a few worthless autographs from band membes of Talking Heads and XTC. What an accomplishment. NOT. 

He's been drawing a government check since he was 55. That's a LONG TIME TO BE USELESS. "Blogging saved my life," he whined, as he deleted other bloggers and said nice things like "I HOPE YOU DIE OF AIDS AND EBOLA." Yes, he was the one who was always being insulting and nasty. Now he claims, "I'm a good man, I never did anything wrong. What did I ever do to anyone?"

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