Friday, January 18, 2019


What is in Demented Hans Devente's head? He actually had somebody stick pins in it. No, acupuncture does not cure mental illness. 

Does that email address work? Of course not. Over the past two years, he's had a dozen of them. He's had hundreds of blogs. He has nothing better to do. Not only his he a troublemaker, and an utter jerk, he's the most immoral bastard in Holland. 

What do you make of somebody who STEALS FROM CHARITY? Who STEALS from men dying of AIDS? Who calls attention to himself by "generously" using a FREE blog and a FREE download service to give away music intended to raise money for CHARITY? 

Here he is, APRIL 23, 2019, still up to his stinky antics. He posted an entire set of AmFar charity CDs intended to HELP PEOPLE IN NEED. Hans De Vente (Sake Johannes De Vente) only cares about being the BLOGFATHER and trying to get strangers to like him and thank him. Oooh, here's some SOFT music by YANNI and others...don't BUY it and help suffering people who are DYING. Say "Thank you Hans, you are SUCH a lovable fellow." 

Ugly Monster De Vente is 73 now. He has been "on the government teat" for decades. What a useless jerk. He COULD be donating his time to helping out in a hospital, or running errands for sick and elderly neighbors in Badhoevedorp, or doing SOMETHING useful. No. A nice comment and a smile from somebody in the REAL world doesn't interest HIM. HE would rather sit on his ugly pimply hair fat ass and throw music all over the Internet on his endless blogs, in forums, and in smelly shoutboxes full of clueless wastes of spaces like himself. He'd rather do damage and get attention that way. 


And forget that the artists were raising money to help suffering, dying people. 

HANS DE VENTE happily stole from Elizabeth Taylor's favorite charity, AMFAR. While normal, decent people in America spent their time arranging to produce CDs, get the RIGHTS, and process the CHARITY MONEY and help out people who are facing death with cancer destroying their bodies and festering in ugly sores and blotches on their skin, HANS DE VENTE laughs and gives away download links. What a NICE man. 

He even shamelessly posts the back cover of the WAVE discs, which talk about the money they raise, and which HE is diverting by giving away the music. 

"Why do people hate me," he has wailed over and over. "I'm giving away music. What's wrong with that?" 

When DECENT people yell "Stay OUT of it, you are just a useless blob that SONY fired, and all you're doing is being vindictive and stupid," he either bites back with insults ("You are CUNTS!") or he TEMPORARILY disappears with one of his "I am so misunderstood" farewells.

He issued a hundred farewells in Zinhof's shoutbox, promising NEVER to return...till the next day and new name. 

Maybe the end will come courtesy of BREIN prosecuting him and tossing him in prison.

It could happen. BREIN is the Holland version of IFPI and GEMA. They are very thorough and have scared away many and locked away many. That is why Demented Devente is being careful these days. All it would take is a “do me a favor” from a Bob Dylan or a Paul Simon. Or Neil Young. That’s why Hans Demented doesn’t “share” their work anymore. He doesn’t refer to Neil Young as “NEIL OLD” anymore, or make antisemitic jokes on Dylan or Simon & Garfunkel. ONE rich artist paying the legal fees involved in getting a court order and a search warrant and it's Bye Bye Deviant Devente.

Hanszun the homoerotic man-boy who LOVES his California cowboys and his topless surfers, won't post his beloved Beach Boys anymore. Their fans are sick of his creepy antics. He doesn't post anything on black artists, mostly because he is an old racist and he hates black people but also because he knows he could have a broken nose if he mocked a soul man. 

No longer the Blogfather but a toothless old fool, he knows using torrents could be fatal. He thinks being the big smelly fish in Zinhof's Croatian pond is safe, and the best way to work out his psycho pestering and his time-wasting grabs for attention. Even so:

BREIN could still get this guy for GRAND LARCENY. The questions is whether to spend the money on prosecuting a sad old man who claims a life-threatening ailments and has pulled death hoaxes a dozen times. Can they get money out of a mental case “on the government teat” who can barely afford those ghastly plaid shirts he wears, or a new John Deere toy truck? They know his windmill has almost nothing of value in it except a few external hard drives.

BREIN could still make an example of him, the same way an old Nazi gets headlines for going to jail at age 90; his past caught up on him. Plenty of evidence is on Devente's hard drives. GOOGLE would cooperate and expose the hundreds of blogs he’s had. Zippyshare and Rapidgator would show the THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of illegal links he’s uploaded. Sloppier than a diapered two year-old, Devente's shit is all over and the evidence has never gone away.

This includes copies of blogs where he urged people to commit felonies and GET his enemies. It includes hacked forums while calling himself AYATOLLAH, which is also a crime.

Hans De Vente could spend THE REST OF HIS MISERABLE SAD LIFE IN JAIL. A judge would look at all of his maniac's threats and boasts and insults, and his pattern of coming back over and over, and throw the book at him as an unrepentant psycho. He's crazy when calls himself HANS DE VENTE or uses an alias  (THANKYOU):


Records show all his "get it while you can or i close this place" threats on over a hundred blogs. They show how much of a pathological liar he is, claiming he can't listen to music because of tinnitis and then the next day going to his favorite shoutbox to demand more music ("after all i give, all i want is this in FLAC pleas.") Typical of his insanity is this blog rant that insists on sympathy for his supposed hearing loss, and ends with an insult:

"Sorry bitches" he writes. Typical Hans DeVente. He sobs one minute and curses the next. He drools like a puppy and then bites. He declares somebody to be his "friend" and then starts a vendetta of insane accusations and threats of violence. This goes back to his gleeful admission that he made up lies (about a blogger named Champaloux) and even created fake blogs in the man's name. And he wondered why, years later, HE got REAL TRUTH BLOGS exposing HIM? What goes around comes around.

People try to ignore him. He doesn't want that. He wants tons of praise or the amusement of being hated. Cheery "hello, this looks like a nice shoutbox" or "this is my first blog" quickly turn into insults, threats, and a bratty "i am leaving and not comin back." He is manic depressive. He claims he just wants to give away music to strangers, and then rages about SONY and growls at anyone who gets more attention and posts more than he does.

Newbies still fall for his promise of thousands of albums IF they give him their email address. How many people have been email-bombed and put on mailing lists because he turned on them? Plenty. That's another of this creepy loner's games. If he's still married (his wife might be like Mrs. Bates and stuffed in a basement) she is glad to ignore him and leave him to wank on the Internet.

Demented Devente is like every deviant loner: NO friends in the real world. NO interests. His obsession is a shoutbox on the Internet. That's his life. Making up new blogs. As one might expect, his lonely dementia increases around Christmas. He usually goes through a half-dozen blogs during the 12 Days of Christmas.

Normal people have a few Christmas albums and listen to them. A few is enough. Demented Devente boasted of 20 GB's of it and brat-bragged with screen caps including this:

Normal? Only for an adult who is still a demented child.

How much of a child? Hans Devente has never expressed a political opinion, never engaged in shoutbox conversations, never behaved like an adult, has NO adult hobbies, and aside for his insane music fetish...collects useless STUPID TOYS: 

Peter Pan Devente's problem, some insist, is that he's a latent homosexual. (Some say he's far from latent about it!) No question his drippy love of SURFER BOYS and limp Carpenters music is very gay. His impotent mewling about "SOFT" music and "SMOOTH" grooves reflects on his "SOFT" dick and his lust for "SMOOTH" Beach Boys naked to the waist. 

Amateur psychology? No. What ELSE do you make of somebody who used "FILL MY ASS" for an email address? Somebody psycho enough to chortle about all the music he's stolen? 

There are demented women in the world who don't want a man; they want to"mother" a silly little child who only resembles a man. As he was at SONY, Hans is a dogsbody to his wife. He shelps her to Applebees and to shopping. He hauls crap. He cleans the toilets. She knows he's just a big baby.

No wonder some forum members and bloggers have Photoshopped him in diapers. His farewell blogs whine "i have had a good life."  No, he's contributed nothing. All he's done is steal things. He's just a pathological liar trying to make up for being a nobody. 

He is not creative. He can't sing. He has a corny, crappy sense of humor. He writes like a cretin and can't spell. He can't do anything except monotonously put up and then blow up blogs, and post and re-post links to crappy music. Spending his life farting around the Internet might...MIGHT have sublimated worse perversions, but who knows, if BREIN or anyone else investigates this lunatic, they might uncover a very horrific secret life. That's how loners like him are. 

We only know he was married once. Maybe not anymore. Or his wife is relieved he can spend all his time sitting at a computer in that barren windmill that has John Deere TOYS on shelves, and amuse himself while she goes out. She is not on the Internet at all. No photos. No nothing. If she still exists. 

Like all the classic psycho cases, Hans DeVente has no affection for animals. Maybe when he was a kid he experimented on them. In a shoutbox, when several people talked about their love of cats, HE instead ranted about his stolen Christmas music that he was going to put on an "email me" blog.

Maybe Hans Devente's love of the Talking Heads (the most boring new wave/punk band of all time) is because he identifies with their most famous song: PSYCHO KILLER. He sure is a PSYCHO BLOGGER.

Watch Crazy HANS DE VENTE (sake yohannes de vente) SOB to his FAVORITE MUSIC

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