Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Like everyone else with brains, XTC fans and ANDY PARTRIDGE hate Liar Narcissist Moron HANS DE VENTE

It doesn't take long for people to realize Demented HANS DE VENTE is a psycho. A liar. A maniac. An attention seeking DRAMA QUEEN. 
An obnoxious pushy egomaniac.
A dirt-faced pathetic LOSER.
A big fat overstuffed DUD.

Check some other blogs. Google his name. It's all there. As soon as he got on the Internet he pushed people around, threw temper tantrums, AND SENT DEATH THREATS.

He hasn't apologized for any of that shit. "I am a GOOD MAN," he keeps whining Then he bribes people with stale music so they'll say something nice about him. Hey hey, Hans De Vente gave me a complete HANK WILLIAMS discography, like I couldn't find it anywhere else.

This monotonous moron is back to flogging his vague association with XTC over FORTY YEARS AGO. 

He has the nerve to call it a "controversy." What "controversy?" Over whether he's lying or not? 

"I AM PAINTED A FAT HANGER ON," he admits. That's what he gets for haunting FACEBOOK GROUPS trying to pretend he's anything other than a lying loser and an old Dutch windbag.

Yes, on his latest blog (#241?) he's puffing himself up as the eye of a controversy storm: 

Christ is this old Dutchman a BORE. 

FORTY YEARS AGO he was a janitor or something at SONY, stole credentials to get free records and tickets, GOT FIRED FOR IT, and he thinks he's important. 

He'd LIE, LIE and LIE to every rock star who came into town, pretending that he was going to get them publicity, more money, big deals...whatever. When they found out he was FULL OF SHIT, they avoided him.

Frankly, they only TOLERATED HIM because they believed his LIES.

This jerk can't even write a complete sentence without laughable typos! 

"andy and me became frieends, i have many tapes..."

"later he invited me another weeek..."

"i hav many letteres and xmas wishes..."

Did it take long for anyone with a BRAIN to realize this illiterate ugly fat slob was just a con man? Just a LIAR?

And yet what does this idiot do with in his retarded dotage, but continue to fret and pester and whine and boast...DESPERATE FOR ATTENTION. 

He wants to call attention to a postcard he got from Andy Partridge OVER FORTY YEARS AGO.

How about...does Andy Partridge want anything to do with this ugly psycho loser NOW? OF COURSE NOT. He's not a senile retard in Croatia named Zinhof. 

Is it a surprise that HANS HAS NO FRIENDS IN THE REAL WORLD? He has his wrinkled up addled Mommy-Wife, an autistic nitwit who liked the idea of having a BABY for a husband instead of a real man. Somebody she could MOMMY. 

Otherwise, all he has are a few online pea-brains who wait for his next fart-load of COWBOY music and SOFT music and tinny bootlegs of irrelevant shows from FORTY YEARS AGO.

Yeah, here's a postcard. Whoopee. Hansy Pansy got a postcard at a time when Andy Partridge and his wife were being nice to somebody they THOUGHT could get them some European gigs or publicity. 

OOOH OOH, a POSTCARD. There are thousands and thousands of XTC fans who have better memorabilia from Andy Partridge. The fact that this idiot flogs a FORTY YEAR OLD POSTCARD shows how empty this loser's life is. 

He IS a nobody. He ISN'T EVEN A HAS BEEN.

In Zinhof's cramped little shitbox, he's once again calling attention to this XTC crap, in between flailing away about some garbage music nobody wants:

Once asked about Hans, Andy Partridge mildly replied that yeah, he heard of "HANS DE VENTE," unfortunately. Andy said Hans was like a big dumb drooling St. Bernard, tagging along everywhere. "We couldn't get rid of him."

Big stupid "HANS DE VENTE" wouldn't leave Andy alone, but since he was PRETENDING to be a big shot at SONY NEDERLANDS, Andy tolerated him. Pushy Hansy Pansy invited himself to recording gigs, and since he has a faggy whiny high voice, NO WAY did he SING on anything. All he did, on ONE track was make "animal noises" that nobody can even hear.

This is what HANS DEVENTE clings to, FORTY YEARS LATER as his great achievement in life.


He even admits he got on everyone's nerves. Here's his complete ill-written screed about XTC, which has made him loathed by all XTC fans. The only group of fans who despise DeVente more than XTC fans are Talking Heads fans. They've also been subjected to the Dutch Douche's endless boasting and self-absorbed egomania. This IS the guy who kept calling himself BLOGFATHER, screaming "my blog can beat your blog," and DELETING the music from all his rivals' blogs. 

Note those lines:

"since then he has been hostile to me." 

Let's repeat that, the way HANSY PANSY repeats his lies and lies and lies: 

"since then he has been hostile to me." 
"since then he has been hostile to me." 
"since then he has been hostile to me." 
"since then he has been hostile to me." 

Yes, EVERYONE who has a BRAIN sooner or later hates demented HANS DEVENTE.

Check the blogs about him. Over a decade ago, when he was less senile and insane than he is now, he was STILL being an asshole. He was hated at USENET. Moderators at GroovyFab, DejaVu, It'sPsych and other forums gave him the benefit of the doubt, and then KICKED HIM OUT.

People feel sorry for the jerk, and can't believe that he's really as nasty, pushy, half-witted, misogynistic, antiSemitic or savagely obnoxious as people say. 



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