Friday, January 18, 2019


How much of a DEMENTED idiot is HANS DEVENTE? 

January 12th, he tried to get attention by declaring he was dead! 

REVISION, February 7th:  The Dutch Zombie revised his DEATH BLOG:

Guess how long it took him to COME BACK to the ZINHOF SHOUTBOX? FOUR DAYS. That's how long his "guess if I'm dead or alive" game lasted. 


He removed this histrionic drama queen blog ("wokeuptoahappydeath.blogspot") and set up yet ANOTHER one, "itshansdevente." (Then theworldhasgone.blogspot and on and on). 

With morbid nostalgia, Mr. Suicide, Mr. "Happy Death" posted some stale Beach Boys goo everyone who wants it already has. He also posted the same crap at Zinhof's shoutbox.

ON MARCH 28  Mr. SUICIDE told the world, via two more blogs, DOUGNOTDOUG and DOUGEATDOUG that he has a brain tumor! 

How convenient, that this is a very, very SLOW MOVING brain tumor, so that instead of a "bucket list" of important things to do, he can open a few more blogs! Yes, he's "dying" but he's sniffing around other blogs, stealing the posts, and re-upping them as his own. 

He's also showing off new CRAP he's bought. Really. A man who has gotten a death sentence has nothing better to do than show a ceramic coffee cup he bought:

While he feigns being morose in his usual "feel sorry for me" way, he has dubbed one of his blogs "DOUG'S DELIGHT" calling himself Doug, happily giving away all the discographies he stole from other bloggers.

Yes, in a month or two, he's gotten a pathetic number of people checking him out, because there's SO much GOOD music on blogs nobody needs his garbage, or the worn-out discographies of 60's and 70's artists everyone has already. 

When he posts his crap he gets from a measly THREE people downloading, to maybe a dozen or two. THIS is what a DYING man with a BRAIN TUMOR does with his life?

Watch him snivel and sob over music he gives away to hurt sales for the artists he LOVES

He's a little OLD to be the BOY WHO CRIED WOLF? It's part of his sociopath nature. He wanted people to worry about him. Care about him. Spend days trying to email him. Get people to ask about him in a shoutbox. But...nobody bothered. They know he's DEMENTED. 

The clever blog address he used for his SUICIDE threat (wokeuptoahappydeath.blogspot)  had SUCH a clever alias (tomb) STONE.

Let's not even BOTHER talking about his "twin tower" scams. You can find all that on blogs about him posted ten years ago. He's STILL at it, though, claiming he was in New York during the 9/11 attack. (Actually he was busy posting at the Groovy Fab forum, and declaring Levitt and McClure to be the best album ever made.) 

The latest idiot blog has HANS on it as he is SO proud of his infamy. He's still DOUG at the "I can't Quit You, I'm a Brokeback Cali-fornia COWBOY" Zinhof shoutbox. That's a reference to another of his many male idols, Doug Sahm. Hans is of course bisexual, or mostly homosexual/asexual. His wife has to be relieved he hasn't had sex with her in ten years. His real classification, along with pathetic loser, pathological liar, corniest moron with the worst sense of humor, nastiest paranoid and biggest waste of space is...PINHEAD.

The "real" Hans De Vente is a total mental case who has faked his death and even faked his name. Recently he declared he's NOT "Hans De Vente" at all and is actually SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE. Who even cares? Nobody, except he's been such a pest, such a malicious asshole that he's gotten so many people hoping he'll just kill himself, and stop waiting for his brainstem to once again leak out his asshole. 

Before his "death," on January 8th he once again posted about his PROUDEST MOMENTS...getting shitty signatures from somebody in Talking Heads (not BYRNE) and somebody in XTC.

Demented Devente has played the FAREWELL over and over. Like an 8 year-old shouting "I'm running away," and then hiding and waiting for someone to come looking for him, Hans has played the "I'M ENDING IT ALL" game again and again on dozens and dozens of blogs. Remember THIS one? 

Yes, the SCHIZOID PSYCHOPATH called HIMSELF a "pain in the ass." He knows he's a nuisance and proud of it. 

His chosen "epitaph" is reproducing a piece of an obscure CD booklet with his name was mentioned. It's on a pathetic Talking Heads album that DOES NOT INCLUDE DAVID BYRNE. (He used his secret SONY email address and his cache of official blank SONY stationery to trick the band members into thinking he was still with the label. He promised them publicity and big money deals in getting their album licensed to other countries, so they put his name in the credits. They believed his lies and got stiffed. But he brags about his name on the CD booklet!)

Who knows how many naive idiots actually were worried that DEMENTED HANS DEVENTE on January 12th, 2019 had actually blown himself up instead of his 200th or 300th blog? 

January 13th, the day after he supposedly died, he was back in the Zinhof shoutbox as DOUG (for Doug Sahm or Doug A. Grave) 

Mr. Tinnitis, who claims time and again that it's too painful to listen to music anymore, once again posts a whine and asks for MORE MUSIC. He insults one of the other people in the forum (who uses the name hairbag) while asking other men to do him a favor:

January 17th, five days after he supposedly killed himself, he posted yet another sobbing feel-sorry-for-mine masochistic whine about being ignored:

New addition: February 7th, he was STILL playing his schizoid games. He posted an ADELE concert using four Zippy links and his usual corny sense of humor (Th-th-that's all folks). An hour later when people complained about all the links, one of his shower buddies posted another link version, an all-in-one from WET. Guess what. When nobody cared or gave a thanks, BOTH links mysteriously disappeared at the same time. 

Demented De Vente will try and snuggle up to someone via compliments: "Thank you that was a good post. I love this music." But if that person doesn't start snuggling back, or does something helpful like post a RIVAL link, then it's WAR. 

He posted a few hours later sobbing, "Link is gone. If you want link you must email me." Nobody responded. He posted again and this time added that his email address could be found on his BLOG and his BLOG could be found by clicking on his latest fake name, DOUG. Still no response. So guess what happened to that Blog Du Jour? You guessed it:

UPDATE: FEBRUARY 14th - Hansy's "VALENTINE" to Dale Watson. 

We all know Hans is bisexual. Well, mostly homosexual. His great fascination is with TOUGH BURLY COUNTRY SINGERS like DALE WATSON.

Hans De Vente (aka Johannes Demented) would LOVE to sit on Dale's middle finger and rotate. This picture turns Hansy Pansy on. Hans ALMOST gets an erection from it.


This is how HANSY PANSY spent Valentine's Day: Mooning over Dale Watson, and along with his favorite boyfriends and his favorite aliases (DOUG of course) he posted EVERY Dale Watson album on Zinhof's shoutbox: 

Yep, pardner, EVERY Dale Watson album. If you downloaded them all, you'd have nothing to buy. But heck, Dale Watson is rich. Maybe go to one of his shows (if he happens to play Badhoevedorp or Sweden or Croatia) and buy a t-shirt. 

Hansy Pansy of course put all of Dale's stuff on his latest "itshansdevente" blog: 

That's Hansy's idea of saluting his idol...making sure everyone salutes HANS for giving it all away. "I am a poor man," whines Hans, "I can not afford music!" He also can not afford to miss any opportunity to get a cheap compliment while knifing somebody he supposedly loves in the back. 

There ya go, DALE WATSON. Don't you feel HONORED that on Hansy's 189th blog over the past decade, and at the ZINHOF shoutbox, ALL your music was given away? 

WHAT does it say about demented Hans De Vente that he's an "honest man" and a "sharer" when he maliciously posts EVERY album by DALE WATSON. Not just a sample so people can buy Dale's work: EVERY album. 

Update: FEB 18th

Hans quickly wiped the Dale Watson theft from his blog and all the rest of his posts. instead, he posted a whine about his cheap computer breaking down.

Perhaps HANSY PANSY's machine broke down after this Feb 18th post to his beloved lover boy Zinhof's shoutbox:

Aww, isn't that CUTE? Between the whining for more free music, and meaningless daily posts of "Good morning," along with equally stupid emojis, there's DOUG giving Zinho' advice:

"dear zinhof,asuggestion:lets call this a MUSICBOX,instead of a SHOUTbox,and lets post accordingly,no more name calling but just music." 


 Hans was told to run his own blog and STOP acting like he owned the shoutbox.

What a lie, Hans calling for "no more name calling." 

Who did ALL of the name-calling? The guy has shouted "CUNT" at people ever since be began blogging in 2006. He growled "My way or the highway...CUNTS."
He shouted "you should get skull fucked" and "I wish you AIDS with EBOLA." Well documented elsewhere (hanszunshun.blogspot for example) Demented Devente urged people to "GET" and to "KILL" his rivals (remember Champaloux) and he published their contact information and personal photos. As The "BLOGFATHER" he ran forums like the Mafia, kicking out anyone who didn't post enough GOODIES. AND he kicked out those who DID because they were competing with him! He posted a Photoshop of himself as AYATOLLAH when he HACKED AND BLEW UP a forum that didn't want him coming back under a dozen new names.

Now that he's a toothless half-dead old moron who can only sit his diverticulitis-ridden ass at a keyboard and steal music and then upload it as his own, he's confined to his shrinking spiral of idiotic blogs, third rate forums and Zinhof's shoutbox.

If he can't actually BE Zinhof he wants to dominate a part of it. Do it by over-posting, by coming in with dozens of aliases till people walk out, and make sure HE is accepted by whatever cowed bunch of desperate whiners are left. "PLEASE...I'm looking for Malford Milligan..." that type of asshole is the kind of mental case HANS can dominate. HANS will give him the GOODIES, eh? If he gets a "NICE" comment and is told that Hans is a "great guy." 

Hans buys his friends but what he really wants is fawning acolytes like Joao Abel to suck his dick, and a few other wimps to shrug and say "Hans is complicated...he means well." No, he doesn't. Giving away every DALE WATSON album isn't meaning well. 

Here's Hans on his blog, February 18 telling everyone that he either STOLE links supplied by the mysterious GREEN (at the itsonlyrockandroll blog) or he's copied them off to give away on his own blog. Either way, notice the tribute to Gary Clark Jr: 

EVERY Gary Clark Jr. album. No need to buy anything, especially when Hans De Vente of Badhoevedorp Holland, somebody BREIN should arrest, posts this all in FLAC. 

"Defendant Demented De Vente, you claim to LOVE music and musicians, and not want to get even for SONY firing you. Why did you give away EVERY album by Gary Clark Jr. in FLAC?"

"I am a poor man, your honor...I have tinnitis, I have diverticulitis, I saw the World Trade Center go down (on TV while I was home, not while I was in New York on a massive holiday I could never afford)...please, I am only trying to SHARE my love of MUSIC...."

And here, is his love of Merle Haggard. As he did with Neil OLD, nasty Hans De Vente thought it was funny to call him Merle Hagrid. He has often mocked the people he steals from. Simon & Garfunkel were "those two JEWISH GUYS..." 

The newest Merle Haggard album, in FLAC, and he pays HIMSELF by posting it to Rapidgator. What a music lover. What a nice guy. 

FEB 24th 

Hans De Vente was always calling attention to himself in the Zinhof shoutbox and telling people where else they could worship him, like the latest BLOG, or at Ukraine's slime-dangerous CANNA forum. Did HANS care that people going there could get malware? Of course not. 

While he hides under aliases here and there, the main obsession with demented De Vente remains the Zinhof shoutbox. There he bullies and insults people, picks fights, deletes other posts from rivals, and plays the brat: "Only ZINHOF can throw me out." This, after denying his latest alias: "Hans? I never heard of him."

What happened to some of his former friends? BRTJN is gone. Sham posted a joke link to YouTube and a song about somebody promising to leave. AGAIN. Hans drove them all away with chaos and curses, JUST to take control of a SHOUTBOX so he can be a bigshot to a half-dozen sad idiots who suddenly decide they desperately need a Chris Hillman album, or have no place else to post a "share" of the latest movie they stole from some torrent or other. 

NOBODY...not the vast number of people who LOATHE demented Hans De Vente, or the few who feel sorry for him or just desperately want a download of every Louvin Brothers album...think this guy is normal. NO. Hans De Vente is INSANE. His lying, his bullying, his crying and blaming and snarling, his marriage to a MOMMY who lets him keep his little boy haircut and endanger her as an accomplice to grand marks him as a mental case. 

People have different ideas of just what is behind all of his paranoia, pathological need for attention, and his nasty and stupid "sense of humor" and his psychotic creations of hundreds of blogs and fake names. He clearly wishes he wasn't a fat blob living a useless existence in a third-rate country. He wishes he was American. Some say he also wishes he could come out and admit he's homosexual and would like nothing better than to submit to country singers and cowboys.

FEB 24th:  The "FORUM OF FEAR" (which still exists) and its members laughed at how Hansy Pansy got his wish, and now has the Zinhof shoutbox ALL TO HIMSELF. HE can run wild and the desperate people who don't have ENOUGH music must put up with him and his rambling and his bragging and his posting of utter garbage "sunshine" music and other drivel.

He can also tell everyone to visit his PRIVATE blog: 

Rightly scared for his life, for putting his wife in jeopardy, and for being outed on Twitter as nothing but a neurotic music thief, the great BLOGFATHER will spend the rest of his worthless life nagging people to download Levitt & McClure, and laugh at his stupid jokes (NEIL OLD!) and listen to his latest lies about deadly diseases and near-death experiences he's had. He will bore everyone to tears with his sobbing over Eva Cassidy and his coy "if anybody wants...ASK ME..." teases when he is not getting all the mommy and daddy attention he still craves. 



After stripping his blog of links and boasts of giving away music, Hans re-opened his blog, as if it was nothing but a tribute to himself. Ah yes, for being a "sharer" since 2006. Then he added yet another of is loophole-filled DEATH NOTICES:

Got the loophole to this latest "feel sorry for me" "cry wolf" game? 

"If this post stays up forever, it means that I...took my own life." 

Everyone, watch this space and pray that it once again is loaded up with entire box sets and discographies. He will "forgive" any posts that get taken down, just like his ex-playmates and forum members should "forgive" the files he jealously had removed by using his SONY connections.

His motives are to be a big shot, to get even with ex-employer SONY, and to laugh a how he has the power to take money away from famous stars and take some of their fame, too. 

"I was a blogger...I shared many albums and movies on many blogs." He's proud of that? SHARED without permission. Re-upped when the links were taken down by rights owners who were paying good money to Web Sheriff and other piracy-fighters. 

Demented Hans Devente was merely "sharing," every time he growled "I am the BLOGFATHER" and "I am the AYATOLLAH" and "My way or the highway" and told anyone who complained that they should "die of AIDS with EBOLA." 

Hans expected people to feel EXTRA sorry for him by posting another agony picture.

All this image proves is that Hans, since 2006, has not changed his shirt.

No, let's be fair. He has two shirts. But this is his favorite, because it is SO BLUE. When he is feeling blue, which is most of the time, he wears his blue shirt. Sometimes he even has a good cry in it

What about the tinnitis complaint (which was curiously absent from his previous DEATH BLOG posts over the past few months)? Tinnitis comes and goes? No, real sufferers know that it doesn't. Hans, however, is a notorious liar. 

He's posted in the Zinhof shoutbox about how he can't listen to music anymore, but he'll keep invading the shoutbox to SHARE, because he's so determined that strangers get free music. 

Under various fake names, he's asked for music that he wants to hear! No tinnitis worries! Like:

Somehow the man with tinnitis so bad he wants to die, has been skipping in and out of a shoutbox whining about needing to hear Chick Corea albums and other crap. 

Hans hopes he's fooling Brein or various country music fans, or some who know exactly where he lives and could have him and his mommy-wife arrested. He's going to leave the blog up and tell the world he's dead. This may be a smart strategy, but he's so stupid he might tempt fate because he's such a masochist and he loves attention so badly. 

This is the nutjob who told his Facebook friends that he was getting death threats and he was going to shut down his account. That was in 2014. The page is still up, complete with his "STAR" on the Hollywood Walk of Fame:

That's Demented Hans Devente, the LIVING DEAD, constantly offering sequels to his "farewell, I'm removing this post" and "if you don't hear from me, I died" games.

Hans has been busy on other blogs and forums and he even went nuts on TWITTER, getting yet another account, and THIS time declaring that it was REALLY him because only HE knows his real name:


A few days later he pulled all of his posts, leaving him with a lone Tweet from some misguided, senile admirer.


His other REAL accounts? They include...the blank-faced empty head one from 2010, and a particularly gruesome one from 2012 where he was putting on his "be scared of me, I'm the Blogfather" pose.


In honor of St. Fat Trick's Day, blubbery rubbery Demented Hans De Vente pulled his old trick: 

Mr. Suicidal Ear-Ache didn't just blow up his blog as he so often does. He didn't just kill himself like he keeps pretending he'll do. He's alive and unwell. 

Give him credit for extending his Attention Deficit Disorder for a WHOLE WEEK. Yes, a WHOLE WEEK without fussing and fretting with his current blog. He let a WHOLE WEEK go by with that warning that if there wasn't a new post it meant that he had killed himself.

So, what does it mean when he took the trouble to make the blog private, instead? Four words:


Whatever he does, however he wants to tempt Brein and the Forum of Fear and Dale Watson fans, the only thing he's getting is older and close to that heart attack or stroke that will either put him six feet under or put him in a hospital room where, with no laptop and just tubes up his dick and down his throat and nose, he'll exist in a state of agonizing purgatory year...after year...after year.


Yes, he's done it again. He blew up his formerly PRIVATE blog. A wise thing. At this point, with his gmail accounts all very much hacked and his every movement watched, any more crap could send men in black to his front door. 

It's possible the attitude is "we have the complete dossier of the past. Let's see what he does NOW."

Demented De Vente may realize that instead of pretending to contemplate suicide, he'll have no choice. Not when the jail door clanks shut and he faces the rest of his life in a cell, SANS INTERNET ACCESS. 

Yes, it's possible to feel sorry for such a sexually stunted failure, such a pathological liar, such a clueless and witless fool with no social skills. 

WHY feel sorry for this obnoxious wretch? He admitted to stealing from the music offices he visited, and snickered about sneaking tape recorders and being "the mad taper" who won't just watch a show and go home. On blogs he laughed about going on vacations in America and pranking other tourists by pretending to be an American. He'd tell outrageous lies about Arizona or Nashville, and laugh at how idiots believed him.

It's possible to feel sorry for a big baby who still wears his hair like a schoolboy, and gets off on being desperate for attention all the time. But no, he's just a ridiculous pain in the ass:


Here's Hansy Pansy, sorrowfully showing off a little bump on his ugly noggin:

Poooor bayyyy-beeee. He bumped his head while driving around Badhoevedorp, and he expected every one of his boyfriends in those hidden forums and shoutboxes to care about it.

"Oh, poor Hans, hope you're ok," "You take care of yourself," "Sorry to hear about this!" Is THAT what he was expecting, by putting up YET ANOTHER BLOG just to show a picture of his stupid face? 

Just when you think Demented Hans De Vente can't be any more pathetic and useless, he does something even MORE pathetic and useless.

He has no life and guess what: his subconscious is trying to end it for him. He gets into accidents because his conscience is saying: KILL YOURSELF.

His body attacks him. He was a pain in the ass in forums and then whined, "I've got diverticulitis." He was stealing music and throwing it around to be a big shot and be the BLOGFATHER, and then the egotist was crying, "I have tinnitis." How IRONIC.

Next, he was crying in the Zinhof shoutbox about how "it doesn't look good," and he was going to die any minute because he had a stroke and his brainstem exploded. He posted photos and people said, "You look all right. What's your problem?"

He's so heartless maybe his heart will just stop beating. The "cure" for this idiot is to "make good use of the time left" and STAY OFF THE INTERNET. 

His most pleasant memory will be that snapshot of his obese ugly self on a John Deere tractor. You know, like a little boy has his photo taken on a merry-go-round horse? 


Hiding in little smelly shitboxes and ridiculous spyware-ridden forums is not good enough for THE BLOGFATHER. He always needs more attention, even if it means backstabbing his supposed idol NEIL YOUNG (whom he regularly calls NEIL OLD, ha ha) and...taking money out of the pockets of DYING GAYS. 

It may be that Hans, so clearly homosexual, wants to be in denial because he married a frigid old bat. He wants to pretend he doesn't love gay porn and wallow in "soft music" and Windham Hill stuff. He has openly posted about his love of COWBOYS and his fantasies about BEACH BOYS. Homoerotic album covers DELIGHT him. But when it comes to ATTENTION FOR HIMSELF vs GAY CHARITY, HE chooses to PIRATE GAY CHARITY. 

First, here's his generous posting of EVERY Neil Young archive item: 

Here is his on-going theft of GAY CHARITY music. Yes, while most people would pay to hear SOFT MUSIC (does it get any softer than JOHN TESH) especially when the money goes to charity, HANS DE VENTE STEALS IT. Just to be a big shot. Just to smirk at the gays who, unlike himself, weren't careful enough not to get AIDS.

HANS DE VENTE steals AMFAR charity CDs. 

AmFAR is a well known gay charity. AIDS is a terrible immune-deficiency disease. When someone's immune system is damaged, the risk for acquiring some form of cancer is tremendous. In fact, despite medical advances, AIDS KILLS. 

Yes, while AIDS victims writhe in misery in hospital beds, some of them disfigured by skin cancers, Hans De Vente skips around his windmill, snickering at how he gets nice comments about how GENEROUS he is. 

Update: May 26: HANS opens THREE MORE BLOGS, and declares he is DYING of a BRAIN TUMOR. 

Update: June 12:  Hans shut down the three blogs and opened yet another, theleftlinks, (he is SO funny, there are any old links that he didn't nuke from the previous blogs...he is SO AMERICAN with his Hansy Pansy punny-funnies).  

Always whining, never really generous, on the new blog Hansy Pansy wants people to PAY HIM for his downloads. A true cheap Dutchman:

Part of the game is to get email addresses so he can send his gay porn to more men. The WORST thing anyone can do is email with this psycho. 

Hansy Pansy of course posts all the tired old soft-dick soft-music soft-headed CALIFORNIA slop again and again. Poor baby, he's in crappy HOLLAND and not ZUNNY CALIFORNIA where he wishes to be, sucking off beach boys. 

Now calling himself by the androgyne name JAN, he'll do anything for attention, even stealing premium TV shows, like HBO's CHERNOBYL. But you know Hansy Pansy, he has that WACKY "sense of humor," and declares as he gives away CHERNOBYL, that it got "glowing reviews." Get it? Ha ha ha. 

Meanwhile, back in the shitbox, er, SHOUTBOX, where he sniffs scrotum and begs people to like him, and offers submissive girly-cries of "anything you want, I can upload for you," he got a MEAN comment. 

HE posted about it on his blog for ALL to see, not just the piddly six or ten Zinhof-sniffers including pathetic Joao: 

Yes, "The Blogfather" is now just a senile idiot who keeps opening and closing blogs, threatening to kill himself, and making up stories about how he's dying. You can read all about his latest "I'm Dying" whine over at:


He's 73 years old now, and is still as worthless, childish, selfish and obnoxious as when he was 7.


Demented Hans De Vente has been "on the government teat" for nearly twenty years. For the past seventeen years, he's been told to please FUCK OFF with his Internet games but he insists: "Blogging saved my life."Really. THIS IS HIS LIFE? Thinking he gets even with the music industry by giving away every Louvin Brothers album?

He has nothing else. He got married in 1968. After 50 years, his wife is either senile with Alzheimer's, dead, or so tired of having married a little boy she can mother, that she is out of the house all day and pays almost no attention to him.

He is, as another "Forum of Fear" member phrased it, nothing but an impotent, ugly, useless, cheap Dutchman who monotonously posts garbage, sits around playing with his collection of JOHN DEERE toys, and every Christmas cries and wets himself as he sets up yet another blog to do what Jesus Christ would never do: STEAL.

Is it Christ or is it Karma that has mocked Hans De Vente by reducing him to impotence after his constant "Laura BUSH" Photoshop nude posts? Is it Christ or is it Karma that his music thievery has been "rewarded" by bouts of tinnitis that leave him sobbing. Is it Christ or is it Karma that made this PAIN IN THE ASS suffer diverticulitis?

Hans now hides in a shoutbox, plays games with his blogs, and is totally irrelevant to the real world. Blogging saved his life? Really?

Marieke De Vente, your "son" hasn't long to live. He keeps saying he's dying. Why not try and make his last days useful in Badhoevedorp and JUNK HIS COMPUTER?

Here's just a PARTIAL LIST of some of the blogs Demented Hans Devente has opened and shut (because he has NOTHING ELSE TO DO ALL DAY). They all end with BLOGSPOT.COM of course: 



....any wonder he is known as DEMENTED HANS DEVENTE THE DEVIANT?

The real world?

Hans De Vente doesn't know the real world, and either do his very few friends, who sit alone and unloved, solemnly listening to Merle Haggard stolen music and wishing, as Hans does, to suck a burly cowboy and then take it in the ass. 

The Zinhof world is being eager for the latest download of Brownsville Station albums or grabbing other old, old stuff that might get a quick listen and then, like brats unhappy Christmas morning, a longing for MORE GOODIES. Zinhof is a Croatian who sucks Putin cock and uses YADI. 

Like the rest of the retards he panders to, especially Hans De Vente, ZINHOF knows YADI but he doesn't know YAZIDIS. 

Putin is destroying the world with his embrace of Syrian tyrants, and his ethnic cleansing in Ukraine, and his imprisonment of musicians (Pussy Riot) and his arrests of homosexuals and even Jehovah's witnesses. But old farts like Hans and Zinhof are happily living in the past, where their only concern is having every Chris Hillman record on their external drive, and spending more time uploading and downloading crap to listen to anything. Certainly not to Dylan who sang "strengthen the things that remain." No, they'd rather sit by themselves (no children, no charities, no friends except virtual ones) and do more damage to musicians and the music world. 

People like Hans who insist they merely "SHARE" and should be applauded for it, are delusional. When you "SHARE" with a friend, that's generous. When you "SHARE" with thousands on a blog, and there are thousands of blogs, that's a problem, and the proof is the number of famous artists who are on indie labels or self-press, the few record sellers, and the epidemic of "zero paid" idiots ruining the lives of people who truly love music and want to produce it and not steal it or take credit for giving it away. 

Any NORMAL person putting up blogs day and night or starting fights with people or deleting links? He's the demented mental case who goes into a shoutbox every other day with a new name (MARIA, DOUG, RED, BORDER LINE, 74gvdh, EPHEMERA, FOLKON, DEVIN RAMMSTEIN, j.d., KONVOOI, USERNAME, USER, BINKERBO, BLOGFATHER, REQUESTED, AIRBAG, HANZ, ITSME, THANKYOU, SHARE, HANS...). 

Hans De Vente is the former Blogfather who snarled and threatened death to other bloggers who asked him to dial it down and stop giving away EVERYTHING. Now he is a frail old man who might as well be confined to a nursing home, as he lies about his wife falling downstairs, and his mother-in-law dying (again) and his hospitalizations for mysterious ailments ("it does not look good.") Any minute he could have that fatal heart attack or stroke.

All he can do is admire his John Deere toys, leave the house to get food (and nearly drive himself and his wife off the road, as his conscience sometimes get better of him) and then return to pout his huge lower lip and growl like a dog, and point to his latest recycling of Pop Nuggets.

AND NOW...some of Hans Demented Devente's GREATEST SHITS (of only the past two years...) 

Here's a potpourri of his whining, his shoutbox disruptions, his fake illnesses, and his drama queen antics.

Here he is, with his "drop the microphone" farewells, his health updates, how one minute he's dying and the next he's asking for uploads he wants, and as always, his RULES for getting his GOODIES....

WHO in their RIGHT MIND, posts a link to an old Eric Clapton song everybody already has, and then, minutes later, announces he could be "permanently disfigured and disabled?" If you were seriously ill or near death, "sharing" music in a shoutbox would NOT be the highlight of your day.

He also wants you to see that big ugly mug of his, again and again.

Only a MANIAC would pose for a picture like THIS ONE. 

People wonder how he can be THIS much of a schizoid paranoid liar and psychopath? What Mark David Chapman was to John Lennon, Hans De Vente is to NORMAL music fans who want some rare item they can't even buy for a decent price. That glaring Hitler-like face is saying: "I am INSANE and I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR ATTENTION." 

A little update for JANUARY 26th. On his idiotic "THIS IS AMAZUN" blog, he posted his latest list of "e mail to get my goodies" garbage. Whitney Houston? Bruce Springsteen? WEEZER? This jerk is so desperate to get attention he'll post any music at all. The bonus for him is ever download hurts the music industry that fired him.

Just give him your email address (so that when he gets angry because you didn't praise him enough, or give HIM some goodies he wants, he'll hack and ping your account). 

This junk is easy to find anywhere, but Hansy Pansy counts on a few saps who only found ZINHOF's blog and don't know about torrents. Like the psycho nutjob he is, predator Demented De Vente looks for lamebrains he can victimize. 

He may start out whining, "I only want to give people the music I can no longer hear because of my tinnitis" (a lie), but it soon becomes obvious: he does it the same way John Gacy befriended boys. To control them and then destroy them. 

De Vente's pathology is well documented. He was always a mean, obnoxious jerk with a crappy sense of humor, who, like his beloved Hitler, hid his sweaty, almost scrotum-less and farty shortcomings behind constant shouting and scapegoating. Hitler was the ultimate sado-masochist who ended up killing himself and his wife, knowing deep down he was nothing but a chaos-causing failure. And Hans De Vente?

No wonder normal people say SHUN HANS.

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