Sunday, May 31, 2020

Boring Atrophy-Brain "Hans" Demented De Vente what's up with the New Abnormal? Zzzzzz

Brain-Atrophied "Hans" is up to his usual limp games. In case anyone cares. And few do, since he gets almost NO response to any desperate, idiotic posts he makes. His monotonous blogs get a pitiful few dozen hits a week.

Zzzzz. What's his FAVORITE thing to do? Hansy Hitler LOVES to dictate: 

Hey Hansy Hitler, notice anyone requesting ANYTHING from you, you ugly, frog-faced cunt? NOPE. 

"now the second link...10days..." His usual badly typed nonsense, and RULES. Everyone else simply posts without pestering anyone with RULES and TIME LIMITS. Or bullshit incoherent brain-damaged crap about NO FREELINKS: 

"Hans" posted that one to himself (wyslwyg to wyslwyg!) because his brain is rotting. He's even more idiotic than usual. When he feels like posting rapidgator to make money for his cheap Dutch self, he does. When he decides to torture everyone with his "only 10days" crap, he does. He does what he wants in his dizzy dopey Dutch world of dipshittery. Isn't he an ASSHOLE? 

He always was. Always will be till be finally shuts his eyes and his droopy fat lip, and becomes an insert lump of NOTHING. 

What else is occupying Demented De Vente as he wastes the last days he has left? 

Mr. Insane, Mr. No Sense, Mr. Dementia-Gouda-Brain posts shit and doesn't even know what it is. He posts CARTOONS in a music shoutbox, and then asks if anyone knows what the FUCK he posted!

"Hans" truly has BRAIN ROT, doesn't he! "anybody knows anything about these?" 

Like most demented old farts, Limp Dick De Vente talks to himself. Here, he natters in the shoutbox and nobody pays much attention because they know he's a waste of space. Others post short sentences, and here he is, nattering on and on...

Who cares about this cheap Dutchman with his shitty taste in music? Oooh ooh, more Hank Williams, ooh ooh, more Tokyo garbage and Windham Hill drivel. 

What else does he do? He mopes about how he's dying. Here's some typical time-wasting nattering that ends with some grumbles about how he doesn't have much time left (so he's wasting HIS time and everyone else's). It's his PLEASURE to be a total asshole, and call attention to how GENEROUS he is with one or two posts, while others give away dozens of worthwhile albums that 40 or 50 might actually download and want to hear.

Ha ha, HANSY. "I used to have a watch, now I have time." OH HO HO HO.

"but ho long is anybody's guess." Right, everyone's been asking WHEN IS HE GOING TO DIE ALREADY? Even if he's Zinhof's old old boyfriend, he's a DRAG. He should be kicked out. But Zinhof has even less of a command of English than Hansy, and loves Hansy SOOOOO much. Or, is afraid Hansy will use a hate blog (something he invented) to post Nude Zinhof frontals, and anus shots, and tell the world where he lives. Hansy is deadly that way. 

Most people only wish a jerk like "Hans" would be banished....

Too bad another problem is Hansy has hacked forums and deleted everyone's posts in the forums, and "Zin" might be scared shitless that Hans the Deleter will do even more "games." Here's "Hans" admitting how much he likes to play DELETE games:

Yeah, he plays games and HE deletes. HE deletes files from people he doesn't like. When he gets jealous he goes on deletion bins. Then he quickly deletes some of his own links and pretends that he's been a victim too. Pretty clever for a Brain Rotting fool? No, he's been found out and kicked out of forums so often he's now just a timorous sissy who asks "kind people" to please give him things and pay attention, and visit one of his loser-blogs that get so few hits. 

Oh, please, won't some KIND person give him the complete "Freaks and Geeks?" But is "Hans" a FREAK or a GEEK? Both. He's also half man half woman. He's also more than half dead. 

Nobody ever replies to anything this rabid baby cries about. Here's MRS. BRAIN ROT going on and on and on. Just another example of how warped and incoherent he is, and he's getting worse....

What a paranoid fat Hitler he is, and he's making less sense every day. One day he was crying that his HEALTH was SO important and he was not going to be posting. That lasted less than 24 hours. Now he's back to being a dribbling psycho lunatic, raving in that government-subsidized sterile "home" in Badhoevedorp, while his neighbors sniff the air and wonder what's rotting.

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Deleter Finds It's Too Hot -- So He Plays the "My Health! I'm Going Away" GAME

"Who's peekin' out from under the shoutbox?

Making fake names, deleting the links?
Who's telling lies and smelling of bullshit?
Everyone knows it's HANSY...." 

That's the name of THAT tune. Why is it HANSY PANSY shut his blogs and played his "I might be dying, my health is important, I will be gone for a while" game? 

He was deleting too much and pissing everyone off with his jealousy, his attention-calling posts, and the rest of his tired, stale antics. Everyone KNOWS his games. He's so stupid and obvious, even dopes for whom English is a second language can pick up on it. 

Hansy with his "once files are up, they are up for grabs," and his "let me tell you about my DARLING WIFE" and his "only 10 days to get my GOODIES" and his "I have tinnitus, I can't hear music but I will share it" and "I'll steal from exy and green and convert their Rapidgator accounts so you don't have to pay" and "i just posted it all on my blog, here are my rapidgator links...i give so much and nobody offers to pay." And on and on. 

No wonder some people in Zinhof's shoutbox have smelled a fat cheesy Dutch rat. Only they can't come out and say his name. Not when Hansy has a secret hold on old Zinhof. Call it blackmail. 

All Zinhof can do is tell Hansy to cool it for a while, and Hansy has to make a big drama about it as he always does. Oh, he's dying, he's dying, he must leave the shoutbox for his health. But first, how about some BEACH BOYS crap? Surely that will get him some thank you's and requests that he please stay? No. It didn't. 

Demented De Vente doesn't explain what his "HEALTH" problems are, because he's such a bad liar, he fouls it all up and people start laughing and pointing out his mistakes. He doesn't show pictures of himself or his medical records because everyone can see how he Photoshops it all. 

One day he's boasting that he's luxuriating in bed with his IPAD and his "DARLING WIFE" and the next day, after reading more posts about his deleting antics, and getting NO response to his idiotic Japanese music blog or his corny Covid "advice" blog or his "get it in 10 days or be square" Hank Williams albums...he's pretending he's at death's door and can't post. 

Of course he's always come right back with "false alarm" or just a new identity and a cry of "i am not hans, i am from america" or a charming "why are you picking on me when i am sharing music fuck you!" 

It's the same old same old with insane old Hans DEMENTED De Vente. 

'a hopefully temporary goodbye" should be permanent. Nobody needs this useless waste of space and his drama queen games, deletions, feuds and foulness. Nobody else can post Beach Boys and Hank Williams? Everybody can, and they do, and they don't make dumb jokes, "DARLING WIFE" blabbers or delete the links of their rivals.

Hans De Vente is SICK all right. Mostly in the head.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Bullshitter Hans plays the "I MAY BE DYING" game AGAIN

What a difference a day makes...when you're as crazy and needy as DEMENTED HANS DE VENTE.

The other day he was boasting that he couldn't fulfill a boyfriend's request for an upload, because he was all tucked up in bed with his IPAD and his "draling" wifey: 

The next day? Manic-Depressive Gouda-Faced Vagina-Bearded HANSY PANSY insisted he was in DIRE STRAITS...and a give-away of THE BEACH BOYS might be his farewell:

What happened? We're dealing with a psycho, that's all. He's pulled the I'M DYING game a hundred times over the past 15, 18 years. He's varied it with "my wife fell downstairs" and "i have diverticulitis" and "i have tinnitus and i can no longer bear to listen to music" and on and on. 

How interesting that on his zillion blogs, he pulled all the music links (for spite) and announced NO MUSIC until -- either enough wimps feel sorry for him and express their sorrow -- or the childish bastard gets bored and restless and comes back. 

Anyone taking bets on how many HOURS before Hansy Pansy adds to one of his BLOGS or soils the shitbox with more sappy Japanese soft music or another Hank Williams discography nobody asked for? 

"i will put blogging on hold for a while." 

That's like a dumb brat telling Mommy, "I'm running away from home --- for a while." He knows that he's worn out "I'm running away from home" so he's got the excuse added: FOR A WHILE.

Mr. Brainrot will be back within a few hours? A day? He can't EVER stay away longer than that. Too bad.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

What does demented Hans De Vente do in bed? Drools over ZINHOF'S SHOUTBOX posts

Hans De Vente has SUCH an exciting night life. 

He crawls into bed....and checks out the ZINHOF SHOUTBOX. 

Yes, he can't stay away. He's in bed with his "darling wife" but he's MUCH MORE INTERESTED IN WHAT THE GUYS HAVE TO SAY.

Here he is, telling somebody that he'll upload some garbage request or other TOMORROW, because he's IN BED. 

He's in bed with his "DRALING" wife, "DRALING is a Dutch term for "RETARDED." Limp dick sure isn't DRILLING his wife. 

Everyone knows that Hansy married his mother -- or a mommy substitute -- and that's it. Somebody older who will placidly watch him be childish and idiotic day after day and not complain.

Hansy's real love is cowboys, beachboys, cute male FEMALE vocalists. His shoutbox chatter has always been loaded with gay slang and coquette queerness and other "goodies" that give away with a pansy Hansy is. 

im in bed now iwth my ipad    

and my draling wife 

Who in their RIGHT MIND would find ZINHOF'S SHOUTBOX a night time activity in BED?

Maybe THIS photo is accurate: 

HANS in bed with his IPAD and hoping to get some GUY in ZINHOF'S SHOUTBOX to get INTERESTED IN HIM. 

Don't worry JOE, Hansy will upload some stupid music nobody else even has. He'll also give you all the gay porn you'll want. Except for some of the pix he got from ZINHOF. 

How...MUCH...of a Hans De Vente? 

He gasps and sighs over a soap opera movie, dreaming that he was the heroine, having an affair with a handsome man to take away the boredom of a dull, dull marriage. ("Brief Encounter" was written by the VERY GAY Noel Coward). He posts a download link to it while everyone ELSE posts rock music links. 



Friday, May 15, 2020


Looks like the rope is slipping tighter around Miss Piggy's neck. 


You know the PIG: 

Hansy Pansy hasn't learned that being a PIG is not healthy? He's been whining about his brainstem explosions, and strokes, and his asshole full of diverticulitis and his ears clogged with tinnitis, but we all know he's a LIAR. He'll say anything for attention. Even "My wife fell down the stairs, I can't post for a while." Yes, he posted two hours later. 


"illegal material..that was new for me." 

No, that was OLD for old, old half-dead De Vente, who is going to pay for his crimes like Weinstein and Cosby, and end up either in JAIL or in a nursing home with tubes coming out of his mouth and ass (which is practically the same thing). 

BREIN and the others have taken pity on poor Hansy Pansy, the sad, pathetic nobody who has NO friends in the real world, and puts on his maid uniform to curtsy and try and get a few GUYS to thank him for all his "i'll do it i'll do it' slavey uploads. 

They know all about his gay porn emails and all about his other games. But time marches on, and with Google and Gmail and Rapidgator and so much more, it's a question whether to watch this old limp dick decaying fool rot into further and further health hell, or PUT HIM AWAY. Take him off the government TEAT and PUT HIM IN THE SLAMMER. Watch him sob and sob in that whiny high-pitched voice of his. 

Things are heating up in BADHOEVEDORP, over on DELLAEARTLAAN where he hides in that sterile row house with his simpleton "darling" wife.  For inventing the hate blog, for screaming "FUCK YOU" to people who defended him, for wishing AIDS WITH EBOLA on people, for asking people in forums to "GET" his enemies and find where they live, for his racism, for his misogyny, for his stupid puns, for his thievery and lies, and for just being one ugly useless bastard, LIFE WILL JUST GET WORSE AND WORSE for Hansy Hitler. 

Adolf and Eva ended up in a bunker with their brains spilled in the dirt. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THESE TWO?

Thursday, May 14, 2020

BUMP! It's just OBNOXIOUS Hans De Vente calling attention to shit nobody wants

Here's the Dutch Douche butting in with some utter garbage NOBODY wants.

NOBODY ever thanks Ugly Hans for his boring posts and his "10 days only" bullying and bullshit.

No response. A NORMAL PERSON would let it go. Not Hansy the Pest. BUMP! goes HANSY


Like that thing on his neck. Is that his head? More like a BUMP!

Who wants a pest like this around? NOBODY but Daddy Zinhof.  Daddy Zinhof feels sorry for another senile, lonely old man like himself. One who can't understand the English language.



Hans De Vente is just too fucking UGLY to STOP  WEARING A MASK.

That goat-vagina beard of his, and that turd nose, and his hanging blob of lower lip. YECH. 

When he's not being a sad pathetic whining blob of shit, he's sneaking around deleting files to reduce the "competition." 

Another FUN game is to bitch about his "competition" using RAPIDGATOR, and how he'll happily re-up anything from them via a FREE server. Really? 

No, when it is HIS file, Bratty Fatty expects people to have a RAPIDGATOR ACCOUNT AND PAY. 

Here he tells everyone (at Zinhof's where EVERYONE ELSE posts FREE links) that he's got a NEW BLOG (zzzzz) Japanese music  

What you don't know till you're tricked into checking it out, is YOU MUST PAY.

Hans loves to complain that Exystence and Green and others are bastards who use RAPIDGATOR, but since HE has an account, he'll fuck them over and give anyone a free download IF THEY ASK NICELY.

Then he turns around and offers a blog full of HIS RAPIDGATOR LINKS.

Yes, T. (short for TWAT, his alias now for several boring blogs he runs) is using RAPIDGATOR so that he can make money. 

"i am a nice man" HANS always reminds everyone, "i am a good man," HANS KEEPS INSISTING, each time he's told to stop cursing,  stop lying, stop coming in with more fake names, stop posting garbage and then threatening everyone if they don't pay attention to him.

Hansy Hypocrite Hitler, saying one thing ("music should be free, i will up greens files or exy for you") and doing ANOTHER. ("you should be my patrons. i upload and you never chip in.") 

Any time people doubt HANS DE VENTE is a SOCIOPATH PSYCHO, he PROVES he IS. 

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Zzzz. nobody pays atttention to crybaby "HANS" De Vente and his pathetic need for attention.

He might as well be dead. Nobody cares anymore. Sake Johannes De Vente, a waste of space all his life, is such a pathetic fool. He drones on. NOBODY pays attention.

His last days (before total physical purgatory that will make him BEG for death) involve sadly predictable and boring shoutbox sobs. 

Here he goes again, limp dick numbnuts "HANS" posting a link to his stupid BLOG (blog #2849283). Mrs. Senility is babbling about boring manure-music only HE cares about. 

Anyone impressed? 

Ignore a sad, sad, SAD old man who has NO FRIENDS in the real world because he's such a creep. Smells bad, too. Wears the same ugly shirt every day. 


Anyone feel SORRY for lonely ridiculous old "HANS" anymore. No. 

They've heard his high-pitched womanly SOBS in his videos. He and his retarded wife are both sopranos. "HANS" sounds like a girl. He IS a girl. He's always carrying on about how much he CRIES. Whatever the alias...he CRIES and CRIES

CRY CRY CRY. Then he wipes his ugly big nose, wipes the snot off that grotesque lower lip, and hobbles back to the shoutbox for another attempt at attention. Oh, another "10 DAYS ONLY" link nobody thanked him for or cares about. Nice WASTE OF WHAT'S LEFT OF YOUR PATHETIC LIFE, "HANS." 

One reason nobody cares about "HANS" is he's so BORING.

Another is everyone knows that any attention turns him into an obnoxious egotistical Blogfather Hanzie Hitler, using his favorite catch-phrase.