Zzzz...what's going on with the boring limp-dick old Dutch maid, "Hans" De Vente?
Johannes De Vente got a lovely new MAIDS OUTFIT to wear --- sends out
pix to his greasy little boyfriends like Joao, and ALWAYS wears it when
exchanging favors.
is SO desperate for men to pay attention to him. Bribing with downloads
rarely works, though. Maid De Vente instantly offers to do ANYTHING
for ANY GUY:
do it" cries the Ugly Dutch Maid. Poor thing. People might download
some of his lame crap (Stephen Bishop? Jim Brinkman? Stale old Hank
Williams music everyone already owns?). Demented De Vente rarely gets a
"thank you."
Most everyone tries to ignore this pathetic Alzheimers asshole who can't even upload anything right:
that De Vente is so obviously a toothless, limp-dick old fart, losing
brain cells every day, he's ignored even more. People are just glad when
he's not being an obnoxious racist (he hates blacks, just like his Nazi
parents did) or lying about his wife falling downstairs, or his
tinnitus or how he's DYING and the doctors can't help him, blah blah
Hannah Hanzie-Hitler The Maid still bleats out pathetic requests that are also ignored:
would anyone do a favor for a psycho like Hans De Vente, who has wished
AIDS, ebola and cancer on people, cursed out everyone who ever asked a
favor or even agreed with him, and who has constantly been such a
pathological liar with his fake names and his Drama Queen games of
declaring he's dying, or the FBI is after him, or "talking heads are
friends of me."
Hans De Vente with his ugly bloated lower lip, his blobby body,
his limp dick, his saggy jowls, and his stupid face, is just an
ever-decaying puddle of gouda-fat. He's garbage. His taste in music is
gouda-fat, too. This nitwit girly-man simpers around sighing about dull
NEW AGE droning garbage. Nobody wants to visit one of his numbnuts blogs
where he offers THIS crap:
Think about it:
HANZIE HITLER actually LIKES the music of JIM BRICKMAN? He has a fucked up way of showing it, doesn't he?
Does he offer a few tracks and tell people to BUY? Of course not. He is STEALING from the MAN HE LOVES.
it any surprise that guys like ANDY PARTRIDGE hate this bastard so
much? Hans De Vente has left a trail of malice, lies, betrayal and
psychotic ranting everywhere he's gone. People dumb enough to think he
"can't be that bad" find out...HE IS.
a look above again. If you are a FAN of JIM BRICKMAN, would you really
STEAL ALL HIS MUSIC and throw it around just to get a nice comment?
Just to get attention? You would if you were an immoral cheap
backstabbing narcissitic mentally deranged Dutch monster like HANS DE
JIM BRICKMAN found out about HANS and his thievery. He's put out this new album:
HANS DE VENTE -- this is the guy who BRAGGED about how he used fake SONY NEDERLANDS credentials to score free concert tickets, and who went into a publicist's office and STOLE records "with my thieving hands." He admitted it like he was proud of it. Oh, that "Phil Spector Christmas" album that the publicist had on the shelf? STOLEN BY HANS DE VENTE. He's always been a thief. He's always been proud of being "Blogfather" and cursing at people and being an obnoxious asshole.
he posts such horrible garbage, usually Demented De Vente doesn't even
say what the FUCK the "goodies" are that he's just upchucked. He just
posts MYSTERY links.
Anything for attention,
Hannah will still try to get the GUYS to look at his "surprise" posts.
Guess what. Nobody says "thanks" and nobody looks, because they know he
has the SHITTIEST TASTE in music. In rock forums and rock shoutboxes,
he's the asshole who constantly bleats about limp-dick Jim Brickman and
Windham Hill garbage, and mewls about Hank and "HAG" and other country
shit that people either already have or DO NOT WANT.
Look look, Hannah offers a "surprise." Zzzzzz
does this idiot's brain resemble rotting GOUDA? Half his posts make no
sense at all. He was babbling about HANK WILLIAMS music, crying that he
couldn't find it. What a waste this loser is:
uh, "someone emust have kept it..." "...I have shared it many times"
(Yeah, TOO many) "...the drive on which I copied it is now gone,can
anybody help me"
Then he flogs more Hank Williams. Anyone want it? Anyone say thanks? OF COURSE NOT, but The Drama Queen strikes again:
Demented De Vente admits he is a thief, but says it in order to feud
with some other uploader. Yes, THE DRAMA QUEEN STRIKES AGAIN:
People are so tired of this DRAMA QUEEN.
he and Zinhof are longtime Nazi party friends, and have a mutual hatred
of Jews (and women, and blacks) Hanzie Hitler is tolerated. Barely.
People simply ignore him. If they have to say anything, it's usual a
curt one word reply. No matter how much submissive Maid De Vente
burbles or tries to wave a pair of knickers and sidle up to a guy, the
guy is more likely to look away in revulsion.
Welcome. That's about as polite as it gets in dealing with a notorious psychopath, liar and deviant — the one who deletes links from his enemies and loves to cause trouble with accusations and threats.
just wish this moron would drop dead already and leave it to boyfriend
JOAO or some other idiot to give everyone the good news.
One of Hannah's games is to pretend to BUY music JUST to give it away
to GUYS. The only problem is that this is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR who will
start sobbing a day later that he can't afford an iTunes single. Here he
is, bragging (lying) that he belongs to the Smithsonian, but somehow he
so it goes, the same pathetic games from a limp-dick old fart who has
always been insane, but is now getting more and more addled. He and his
autistic moron wife can't even drive anymore because they are such a
menace. PS, when they cause accidents they try to blame the other party
and get money. No no, the GOVERNMENT TEAT lets them stay in that sterile
row house in Badhoevedorp, but they are NOT successful with other lies
and scams and twisted cheap Dutch games. What a senile, sad, grotesque
monster. What a fool.